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New (?) Feature

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  • New (?) Feature

    I just discovered that if you set a terrains movement cost to 0 it wont cost movement points to pass it.
    Im not sure what it could be used for, except if you want two sorts of railroads.
    There is one difference to railroad however:
    Regardless of which terrain the moving unit is standing on it will not cost it any movement to move into this terrain, but if he moves out to another terrain movement will cost as usual.
    I'm not even sure that this is new discovery (though I haven't read about it annywhere).
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!

  • #2
    Well done!

    Does this work for ocean and water units as well?

    What about air units?

    EDIT: Also what happens if there is road/RR and/or river present on such a terrain?

    [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited January 23, 2001).]


    • #3
      Oh I didnt say that?
      Sea units are unaffected (that was one of the first things I checked), although I haven't tested it I think that air units does ignore all terrain movement rates.
      One thing that does come to my mind is this:
      The treat all as road flag will probably still work meaning that an "alpine" unit will go slower than a normal one on this sort of terrain.
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #4
        No, this isn't really a discovery, it's pretty much common knowledge (or at least I assumed it to be). Nice try, though.


        • #5
          It's possible to use 0 movement on land terrain, but not sea terrain, which is too bad because it ruins any chance of creating a "hyperspace" terrain for sci-fi games. Air units also pay one MF per square of movement, regardless of the terrain. While it's not a brand new discovery, I bet many civ creators didn't know it. Keep experimenting Henrik, I'm always amazed at the new stuff people dig up out of this old game.
          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


          • #6

            Originally posted by DarthVeda on 01-24-2001 12:16 AM
            No, this isn't really a discovery, it's pretty much common knowledge (or at least I assumed it to be)...

            Common knowledge? I have been playing Civ/Civ2/Tot for 9 years now and I have read just about every document released on the net about Civ, Civ2 and ToT.

            During that time I don't recall 0 movement terrain ever being mentioned or used in a scenario or modpack.
            Of course, not being an elephant I can't remember everything I read.

            [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited January 24, 2001).]


            • #7
              Interesting discovery, Henrick. Is the terrain zero to enter, or does it work identically to railroads.

              On a totally different note, I guess from your name-home that you are a fan of David Eddings? Ever thought of doing a scenario based on his works?

              "Yad ho, groja SID"

              Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


              • #8
                Yes, it takes 0 to enter (since it is a terrain).
                Scenario on the belagarion theme.
                I might do something like that, but it would be after my current project.
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • #9
                  Any news of whether or not someone has ever made a Belgaraid/Mallorean world map, like they have for Tolkien's Middle Earth? I might try that...

                  Best of Luck,

                  PS. Any hints as to what your current project is?
                  Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


                  • #10
                    I don't think ther is such a map, feel free to create one

                    As for your other question:
                    I'm creating a historical scenario about a war that started in 1648, the same month as the peace of westphalia was singed a small cossack rebelion in what's now Ukraine (back then it was a part of the Polish/Lituan Comonwealth), soon however other countries got involved and by the year of 1656 all of the comonwealth was deiveded between Sweden and Russia (Poland hadn't had its last say in the conflicy though; the same year the exiled polish king Jan Kamierz started a rebbelion...).
                    Before the conflict had passed way, the nations of Brandenburg, the German Empire (ruled by the Habsburgs), Denmark, Russia, Turkey (well that is top say the berbers), Sweden, Holland, France and numerous of other contries, had all participated in some ways in this war, which just kept on growing (like wars of this time tended to do), speculations of Swedens southern border being moved to the Balck Sea, and whether the war would carry on into Spain, where all part of this european conflict.
                    The scenario starts in 1655 (or 1654 I'm not sure) and includes changes in seasons (especially important as this time was known as the little Ice Age) as you take control of Sweden, Poland, Denmark (who have been mergede whit Neterlands), Russia, The German Empire (who have been mnerged with all other habsburg holdings), France and Brandenburg (merged whit England into "Protestants").
                    But most of it is in the future now so we will se how it turns out.
                    [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited January 29, 2001).]
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by KhanMan on 01-28-2001 02:16 AM
                      On a totally different note, I guess from your name-home that you are a fan of David Eddings? Ever thought of doing a scenario based on his works...

                      I would be interested in a Belgariad Modpack... Should be enough source material to do it with.

                      On a different note regarding a "hyperspace" for sci-fi games, you could always change the movement value for the specific ship (i.e. the Millenium Falcon, has a movement rate of 99 instead of 6. The drawback is that it will make the game unbalanced because you could use that one ship to take out any number of enemy installations with a movement rate like that (assuming your ship survives the assault).
                      Read my SMAC fiction @

                      Give your comments @


                      • #12
                        I will start work on the Belgariad map, and a Mod Pack sounds interesting...

                        Do you think the scenario should focus on the storyline, as in Lord of the Rings style quests with Zedar, (bel)garion, and all? Or more just the war between the different countries in "Enchanters Endgame"?

                        As for hyperspace, why not have transport units, with that high movement rate, but having a low attack rate (or maybe attack of zero), then you make different units, representing missles, shuttles, guns, troops, whatever, and give them one movement point (or variable), but a good attack level.

                        You could create fighter units that have a movement of one, and these would work as guns. You would have to keep them on the ship, since they would die a "run out of fuel" death as soon as they left, but it would solve the problem.

                        You could use similar means to make some ships transport others, as some have hyperdrive (or whatever) and some don't.

                        Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


                        • #13
                          I think that a scenario in the belgarion universe (obviesly before the belgarion series) should allow you to choose between all of the western countries (including Cthol Murgos) and might include Mallorea to. It should not be about "playing" the story of the book, but rather to let you controll a nation (don't really know what we should do about Alloria (Drasnia, Sendar, Chereck and Algaria) maiby when somebody takes the island of Riva an event could be used to make all of the countries in Alloria declare war on the contrie which attacked Riva (for example when Nyissan assasins killed Garions forefather and all of Alloria declared war on Nyissa) I don't think that the countries of Allorea should be forged to one since the nations would lose thier special features(like the spies in Drasnia or the horsemens in Algaria) Sendar could be included in another country though since they are so small and innactive).
                          Other nations would be The empire of Tolnedra, Cthol Murgos, Nyissia, Asturians and Mimbrates.
                          Some of these nations would for obvius reasons have to be merged into one, but I don't know which ones.
                          [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited January 31, 2001).]
                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • #14

                            1) Chereks (with Riva under their protection?)
                            2) Drasnians
                            3) Algarians
                            4) Tolnedrans
                            5) Murgos
                            6) Ingrates, *ahem*, "Mimbrates
                            (with nominal control over most of Arendia
                            7) Nadrak-Malloreans
                            8) barbarian Sendars, Austurians (maybe with Murgo funding?), Vale of Aldur?, Ghosts of Maragor?, Nyissans?

                            While I love the idea of making the Sendars barbarians (surrender to the marrauding hordes of Fundor the Magnificent, for he is King and Ruttabaga Farmer! , it seems more easy to unite Aloria, and do this:

                            1) Aloria
                            2) Tolnedra
                            3) Murgos
                            4) Sendars
                            5) Mimbrates
                            6) Nadrak-Malloreans
                            7) Nyissans
                            8) barbs as ghosts of Maragor, and Austurians

                            The problem of Alorn Nation's individual units is easy: no one in their right mind would build drasnian pikemen on the plains of Algaria, Algar horsemen in Cherek.

                            All the civs in the second grouping would work, but the Nyissans and Sendars might be a bit challenging...but, then again, that's what Ming, RAH, and Xin Yu are here for

                            Just some thoughts,
                            Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


                            • #15
                              Actually I would love to play as drasnians (embassy whit everyone and veteran spies (mb through renamed communism?), lots of pikemen and alliance whit Alloria). The sendars could be merged whit Alloria (or Tolnedra).
                              But I dont think that Mallorea (the continent) should be included on the map, I would rather group the thulls and the murgos.
                              Nadraks could be an independent nation (since they are so special for being angaracks).
                              [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited January 30, 2001).]
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!

