I thought the WW2-AI just made all the civs more warlike. I've enabled it in my Roman scenario in an attempt to make the German barbarians more aggressive; is this a bad thing?
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Unsolved Mysteries of Civ2
I thought I read once that it tweaked the AI for the Atlantic battle ...?
In any case, I've tried it out in other scenarios, just the playing around kind, and it never caused any crashes.
Whether or not it did, in fact, make a difference, I couldn't really tell. If there was any it was too small a change to reliably quantify.
Originally posted by DarthVeda
Remember, the ww2 scenario was designed before events files, and it probably stipulates that the German and Allied civs stay at war, and where the German civ should send its submarines (ie the atlantic rather than the baltic)."The self is a relation that relates itself to itself, or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation relating itself to itself." -Kierkegaard, at one of his less lucid moments
Tremolando shows rage! Sforzando shows excitement! C Minor means gravity!–D Minor means terror!...Round and round like donkeys at a grindstone! -Amadeus
I have played the WWII scenario MANY MANY times as every possible civ. I have my own set of custom graphics for it and everything. In my experience, even the Allies and the Axis will, sooner or later, offer or be offered peace, depending on their situations. Whatever the flag does, I don’t think it has anything to do with treaties.
So! It is indeed....an Unsolved Mystery of Civ2!
About the WW2 AI dealy,
I can't remember where I read it, so I may remember it incorrectly, but it ensured the German AI would attack Amsterdam, and I'm sure it did other things too. So basically, Darth's explanation was correct.
About cities being destroyed when they are sized 1 and sometimes not...
I always thought that if you are the liberator of a city (as opposed to 'conquerer' when it displays the message that you've taken a city), and your enemy holds the city at 1 and you take it, it will not be destroyed.Re-elect Bush!
Yeahh this is it. As you're said it I had a sudden notion that I lost these cities to the AI and recaptured it in the next turn. Think we can say: problem solved next one plz
Well to the "WW2 AI flag": I played this scen very often and I think every time the Axis captured Paris the French sued for peace (Ok this is due to the loss of the city) but also the allies immediately declared war to the French. So perhaps this flag has something to do with it so they wanted to recreate Vichy-France. As in my opinion otherwise it is impossible that two civs go to war at the same time every game. This could also be an explanation why we should not use this flag in scen building I think it is defined when especially the Allies will declare war on France and as in other scen are different civs this could cause the game to crash as the manual stated out.When you want to dance do it the trance way
Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
About cities being destroyed when they are sized 1 and sometimes not...
I always thought that if you are the liberator of a city (as opposed to 'conquerer' when it displays the message that you've taken a city), and your enemy holds the city at 1 and you take it, it will not be destroyed.
In the save file, each city has two bits of information about ownership, current owner and previous owner. It uses that to pick between the conquered and liberated messages. One thing I have observed about that is that after some interval of time, the previous owner value becomes the same as the current owner even when ownership stays constant."Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener
Re: Unsolved Mysteries of Civ2
Originally posted by techumseh
My contribution: I've always wondered, when setting the special rules for a scenario, what does 'Special WWII-only AI' actually do?
I don't believe that's true Thoddy. I think any civilization can get all the money of a civ from the first city they capture if it is on the first turn of any scenario - just another quirky bugto add to the list.STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!