Why would anyone want to play another WWII scenario?!
As good as 2194 Days of War is (and I owe 90%+ of my graphics to Nemo/Alex) I think this is more fun and far more realistic. From the US point of view anyway. Plus I think I'm using event files in some brand new ways (at least in my experience).
Sorry to post so long, but here's an excerpt from my readme to try to convince you to sample this:
This scenario recreates the USA war effort during World War II. It is pointless to play as anyone but the Americans. Features include:
New, specialized units
1. Japanese carriers (overcoming AI limitations)
2. Strategic bombers (pillaging those all important Nazi industry squares)
3. Murmansk convoys to keep Russia in the war.
Vital geographic regions whose capture accurately reflects their importance in the real war
1. The capture of Malta increases the flow of German reinforcements to North Africa.
2. The loss of the Indonesian oil fields prohibits Japan from building advanced air and naval units
3. Capturing the V-2 sites in northern France stops a steady drain on the British economy
4. Capturing the west coast of France effectively ends the German U-boat war.
5. Capturing northern Norway secures the supply route to Murmansk from German interception
6. The oil fields at Baku and Belgrade are vital to Russian and German armor production (Certain event-created units only appear if those squares are controlled)
7. The capture of the key Japanese naval base at Truk increases US naval movement, decreases Japanese (Mastery of the Pacific wonder)
8. Capturing Rome deprives the Germans of moderate numbers of event generated Italian units
9. The fall of Berlin severely cripples German production of advanced units
An innovative tech tree offers a wide variety of economic, military, and technological options.
1. General Conscription (the draft!) brings a steady flow of infantry units into the army.
2. Aid to UK techs takes money from America and adds it to Britain.
3. Wartime Economy recreates the overwhelming American production effort.
An unpredictable diplomatic situation, but confined to historical possibilities
1. Germany may declare war on Neutral nations, obtaining a flanking position in Russia or threatening Gibraltar
2. It is possible for Germany to subsidize fascist coups in the Mid East, Spain, and South America.
If you're interested, email me at fgallag105@aol.com and I'll mail you the file (no sounds, so only about 600 KB). I've playtested it, but am interested in getting someone else's impressions. (If you're just interested in the Events file stuff, just about everything is explained in the readme.)

Sorry to post so long, but here's an excerpt from my readme to try to convince you to sample this:
This scenario recreates the USA war effort during World War II. It is pointless to play as anyone but the Americans. Features include:
New, specialized units
1. Japanese carriers (overcoming AI limitations)
2. Strategic bombers (pillaging those all important Nazi industry squares)
3. Murmansk convoys to keep Russia in the war.
Vital geographic regions whose capture accurately reflects their importance in the real war
1. The capture of Malta increases the flow of German reinforcements to North Africa.
2. The loss of the Indonesian oil fields prohibits Japan from building advanced air and naval units
3. Capturing the V-2 sites in northern France stops a steady drain on the British economy
4. Capturing the west coast of France effectively ends the German U-boat war.
5. Capturing northern Norway secures the supply route to Murmansk from German interception
6. The oil fields at Baku and Belgrade are vital to Russian and German armor production (Certain event-created units only appear if those squares are controlled)
7. The capture of the key Japanese naval base at Truk increases US naval movement, decreases Japanese (Mastery of the Pacific wonder)
8. Capturing Rome deprives the Germans of moderate numbers of event generated Italian units
9. The fall of Berlin severely cripples German production of advanced units
An innovative tech tree offers a wide variety of economic, military, and technological options.
1. General Conscription (the draft!) brings a steady flow of infantry units into the army.
2. Aid to UK techs takes money from America and adds it to Britain.
3. Wartime Economy recreates the overwhelming American production effort.
An unpredictable diplomatic situation, but confined to historical possibilities
1. Germany may declare war on Neutral nations, obtaining a flanking position in Russia or threatening Gibraltar
2. It is possible for Germany to subsidize fascist coups in the Mid East, Spain, and South America.
If you're interested, email me at fgallag105@aol.com and I'll mail you the file (no sounds, so only about 600 KB). I've playtested it, but am interested in getting someone else's impressions. (If you're just interested in the Events file stuff, just about everything is explained in the readme.)