Aah just finished playing Red Front 1.4...i really love that scenario
. Last version i played was 1.0 and you really could see magnificent difference with those two.
But i just notice one small problem...German doesnt seem to put enough defense in his cities in northern and middle sector...i was able easily take Minsk and Kiev with partisans and then take Berlin in year 1943.
So if Nemo is reading this and his still planning to make new version of Red Front he should do something about that defensing problem. Rest of scenario is just great!

But i just notice one small problem...German doesnt seem to put enough defense in his cities in northern and middle sector...i was able easily take Minsk and Kiev with partisans and then take Berlin in year 1943.
So if Nemo is reading this and his still planning to make new version of Red Front he should do something about that defensing problem. Rest of scenario is just great!
