From an interview with Jeff Morris on Gamespy:
Does anyone want to guess what this means? Are Firaxis not including SP scenarios becuase they're too lazy to make them, or are they not including them because they're impossible to make?
GameSpy: Are you going to ship a scenario editor with the expansion?
Jeff Morris: We're shipping it separately as a free download, but scenarios really figure into multiplayer. If you start a multiplayer game on a random map and you start adjacent to iron and someone else doesn't, the advantage you're going to have is going to ruin the game. The scenarios let us go in there and say "everyone gets six grasslands, all irrigated and with roads."
GameSpy: So are you adding scenarios to the expansion?
Jeff Morris: Absolutely. We've got 10 multiplayer scenarios…
GameSpy: What about single-player? Civ 2 shipped with…
Jeff Morris: Yeah, the problem with that is the modified tech tree, artwork and how it heavily modifies the game. Turns in a WWII scenario don't really work if one turn represents a year. Rather than take that upon ourselves, we're letting the people who really love the history of the eras do it. We're giving them the tools to do it.
Jeff Morris: We're shipping it separately as a free download, but scenarios really figure into multiplayer. If you start a multiplayer game on a random map and you start adjacent to iron and someone else doesn't, the advantage you're going to have is going to ruin the game. The scenarios let us go in there and say "everyone gets six grasslands, all irrigated and with roads."
GameSpy: So are you adding scenarios to the expansion?
Jeff Morris: Absolutely. We've got 10 multiplayer scenarios…
GameSpy: What about single-player? Civ 2 shipped with…
Jeff Morris: Yeah, the problem with that is the modified tech tree, artwork and how it heavily modifies the game. Turns in a WWII scenario don't really work if one turn represents a year. Rather than take that upon ourselves, we're letting the people who really love the history of the eras do it. We're giving them the tools to do it.
