I have no intrest in EU2, what ever it is
History is my hobby and I see Civ II and the best scenarios as ''sim history''.
Guess what game usurped Civ2's title when it was released.
"There is simply nothing on the market that matches Europa Universalis 2 for breadth and depth. It's not about replicating history - that's better left to the inflexibilities of a history text. That players can and will change history in Europa Unviersalis 2 is not only likely - it's mandatory. That players get to do it in the nearest thing to a "history simulator" out there is what makes this such an important and satisfying title. Historians and general strategy gamers should consider this the definitive version in the series, and I would recommend without qualification (to owners of the original and new players alike) the purchase of this game at full retail price." - The Wargamer
List of Reviews
History is my hobby and I see Civ II and the best scenarios as ''sim history''.
Guess what game usurped Civ2's title when it was released.

"There is simply nothing on the market that matches Europa Universalis 2 for breadth and depth. It's not about replicating history - that's better left to the inflexibilities of a history text. That players can and will change history in Europa Unviersalis 2 is not only likely - it's mandatory. That players get to do it in the nearest thing to a "history simulator" out there is what makes this such an important and satisfying title. Historians and general strategy gamers should consider this the definitive version in the series, and I would recommend without qualification (to owners of the original and new players alike) the purchase of this game at full retail price." - The Wargamer
List of Reviews