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New Cold War scenario

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  • #16
    Also, at the start of the scenario, will there be war already or will there be peace between nations?

    Yes, this was a DP, shut up
    [This message has been edited by Mao (edited August 08, 2000).]
    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


    • #17
      IIRC, it didn't work out right when AL tried to make Buda and Pest right next to each other.

      IMO it's easier to just use an airbase.


      • #18
        But shouldn't West Berlin also have some troops there?
        Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


        • #19
          Just planes and copters.


          • #20
            But won't the Soviets just ask the western units to withdraw?
            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


            • #21
              Why would they? IGNORE ZONES OF CONTROL.


              • #22
                That won't work because of their role. Only role 7 (trade) units are excluded from a withdrawal. Ignore ZOC only applies to units moving next to enemy units.

                Jonicro: there's a map of the Northern Hemisphere knocking around somewhere. Try in the Apolyton Archives (not the database). Filename will be something like

                City locations can be hex-edited to transplant a city, so you can found East/West Berlin at different locations and then hack the file so that they're next to each other. But why would you want to?

                Anyway I'd like to see a decent job made of this. I've just been playing Coldwarx v.2, which was lacking somewhat.

                "The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on"
                "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


                • #23
                  BTW, Jonicro, if you implement West Berlin as a regular city (with hex-editing or so), it should be able to generate spys (perhaps renamed as CIA agents?). The western part of the city played a major role in espionage...

                  And Fast_Eddie, I think there were some more US, British and French units as planes and helis here in my city...


                  • #24
                    Hey Eddie, can I give out some of the ideas we discussed?

                    EG, make nuclear bombers as 99 attack units that are not destroyed after attacking. This way subs can't pick them up. But when their nuke goes off, the unit dies since it is in a square adjacent to the blast.

                    Also, I was trying to simulate a thermonuclear blast by experimenting with the changeterrain event. But I can't figure that one out.

                    Finally, you should realize that this "cold" war will be hot from day one as far as the computer is concerned. To prevent immediate hostilities you have to figure out some way to keep the AI occupied.
                    "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


                    • #25
                      Today i placed cities in india and made final touches to W. Europe and China.

                      I will also maybe make a police unit that can spot spies and is used to guard borders. I already have graphic for normal police unit (US, Europe) but i still need graphic for militia unit (USSR, China). So if anybody knows where i can get a good one it would be great.

                      Jcarkey, im happy to hear that you like screenshot. I will think about that railroad -> highway thing.

                      Im not familiar with hexediting but i will try that today if that works. If not guess i will just made "West Berlin" unit.

                      Mao, yes there is peace when scenario starts. And this is not totally a war scenario. For example when playing USSR you have to:
                      1. Rebuild western parts of country that are destroyed in ww2.
                      2. Build your economy/industry stronger.
                      3. Support Communists in their revolutions in all over world (Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, South America, Afganistan...)
                      4. Compete with US in space rate.
                      5. Build LOTS of nukes able to destroy US if necessery.
                      6. If youre doing really good you can even try to build good ABM-System but that would be really expensive...

                      Andrew, I already have a good map for my scenario and im placing cities now. Yes, i will do my best with this scenario.

                      I will post tomorrow more screenshots here.


                      • #26
                        Hmm using AC feature for space race is really good idea...thought making all those parts would take maybe even too much resources...hmm i still have to think about this.

                        Currently space race is done so you have to develop techs and when you get 'Moon Flight' you can build Wonder with that name. Its also so when you develop 'Space Flight' you can choose do you want more make a Moon Flight or Space dont have time to make both because other side will take another. This simulates that in real-life USs main goal was to be first in moon while Russians were more interested about building space station.

                        Oh yeah and some help would be great with one thing...If someone could collect a list of conflicts in years 45-91 and were part of cold war (Korea, Vietnam, those communist revolutions in South-America and Africa, Afganistan, ect.). I need the sides who fought and year. Thank you.


                        • #27
                          Hmm using AC feature for space race is really good idea...thought making all those parts would take maybe even too much resources...hmm i still have to think about this.

                          Currently space race is done so you have to develop techs and when you get 'Moon Flight' you can build Wonder with that name. Its also so when you develop 'Space Flight' you can choose do you want more make a Moon Flight or Space dont have time to make both because other side will take another. This simulates that in real-life USs main goal was to be first in moon while Russians were more interested about building space station.

                          Oh yeah and some help would be great with one thing...If someone could collect a list of conflicts in years 45-91 and were part of cold war (Korea, Vietnam, those communist revolutions in South-America and Africa, Afganistan, ect.). I need the sides who fought and year. Thank you.


                          • #28
                            Hmm using AC feature for space race is really good idea...thought making all those parts would take maybe even too much resources...hmm i still have to think about this.

                            Currently space race is done so you have to develop techs and when you get 'Moon Flight' you can build Wonder with that name. Its also so when you develop 'Space Flight' you can choose do you want more make a Moon Flight or Space dont have time to make both because other side will take another. This simulates that in real-life USs main goal was to be first in moon while Russians were more interested about building space station.

                            Oh yeah and some help would be great with one thing...If someone could collect a list of conflicts in years 45-91 and were part of cold war (Korea, Vietnam, those communist revolutions in South-America and Africa, Afganistan, ect.). I need the sides who fought and year. Thank you.


                            • #29
                              Well, I'd rather you not...


                              • #30
                                Would the Moon Voyage and Space Station just be another technology? Is there any tangible advantage to going for either?
                                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

