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fallout scenarii

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  • fallout scenarii

    i'm actually making to fallout scenario
    the first one is almost finished, it will feature 7 civ; vaults, mutants, good human, evil human, ghoul, enclave, brotherhood of steel.
    the backround is from fallout 1 to fallout 2 with some part of BOS (the new fallout)
    the game takes place for the first scenario in california and is more RPG oriented than the second scenario, which takes place in whole america
    in the second scen, the civ are the same but it would be like a more standart game with less RPG events so all the civ would be playable (but with tech restriction in order to respect the fallout chronology)
    both scenario will have batch files, there will be at least 3 events.txt and units.gif for the first (maybe 5 at the end) and 2 for the second
    all the terrain.gif have been relooked to fit to this dark universe

    the 2 scenario will be finished at the end of jully (if i have the time)

    thx to BeBro i can show you some of the units

    truck, warrior with hammer, settler, howitzer, warrior with canon gun, trader, helicopter, tank, the nomadics' ship...

    there will be more than 90 units in total with the 3 differents unit.gif files used in the batch

    [This message has been edited by vahadar (edited June 30, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by vahadar (edited June 30, 2000).]
    Webmaster of Civgames

  • #2
    Vahadar, to post pics here, use the IMG option (simply search for a post with pics and click the EDIT button to find out the exact usage), but your pics must be available somewhere on the internet...


    • #3
      Haven´t played Fallout, but these units look very good!


      • #4
        I did some work towards a Fallout scenario a while back, but it never went anywhere. This looks great

