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  • Rules

    Have I started to annoy ya'll yet?

    Anyway, I've created a set of rules that, to me anyway, are in perfect order, yet the program rejects them constantly. I see nothing wrong with them, but then again I'm new to creating complex scenarios . If one of you wouldn't mind having a look-see at 'em, I'd be greatful. (no, I won't kill the message board by posting them for those of you worrying)

    [This message has been edited by DormSlave (edited May 20, 2000).]

  • #2
    if ya wouldnt mind, send your copy of the rules.txt you are using and i will have a look see.


    • #3
      There's no way to know what's wrong with the rules file 'cause it could be just about anything, i.e. missing comma, extra comma, unknown tech, etc. You've got to do some basic debugging. Here's how:

      1) Copy small sections of your rules.txt (copy1)and paste them into a copy of rules.txt (copy2) that you know works.

      2) Load up civ using copy2 of rules.txt.

      3) If it works, repeat steps 1 & 2 with the next section. If it doesn't work, you've now isolated the problem section (or one of several problem sections). Repeat steps 1 & 2 with a smaller portion of the problem section.

      Make sense?


      • #4
        Send me a copy of the rules file. I'll have a look at it.

