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~NEW SCENERIO (i need some ideas)~

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  • ~NEW SCENERIO (i need some ideas)~

    I'm making a scenerio that starts in about 1200 a.d., its going to span from england to japan, its going to be a scenerio about the emergence of the mongols and the wars between christans and muslims (crusades) and everyone in between. I have the map already made, however, i'm having the following difficulties,

    - I'm unsure as to what were the major ciites of the world in 1200, does anyone know a good site where i can get some historical maps?

    - I'm going to be using all 7 civs plus barbarians, even with those 8 it still seems hard to depict all the various peoples of the earth at that time, i was thinking of deviding it by faith, but i still want to depict king john and phillip's fight for the aquatain (western france). Any ideas on this?

    - I need some historical information about temujin's (ghengis khan) fight to unite mongolia, specific tribe names and locations preferably.

    - The scenerio is going to take around a month to complete, before it is done i'm going to need to get some play testers, if you'd like to help me play test this scenerio in it's various phases of completness include your e-mail address in your response to this post.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!
    "There is no can't, only won't."
    -Line from American Kick Boxer 2 (American Shaolin)

  • #2
    If you can get a Super Nintendo (SNES) game named 'Khan II', it has a lot of information including the Mongolia tribe names and country names even unit types. It has maps too. Ask anybody who has played it for information.


    • #3
      I'd like to help you, but I don't know whether you already knew this:
      Temujin was chosen Khan in 1196. He commanded a few tribes he had unified. With them he attacked and conquered the Kerait (who were Christians)and the Naima. By 1204, Temudjin had unified almost all mongol tribes, and he had complete dominion over today's Mongolia. In 1205, a kind of Assembly with representation from all Mongol groups, and also from some Turkish tribes, recognized his leadership, giving him the title of Genghis Khan (Great Khan). He then organized the army, making a unified entity from the heterogeneus tribe armies. He was ready to begin his amazing conquers. In his first campaign (1209-1209) he fought against the Hsi-Hsia Realm of the Tanguts, which would become a nice base to attack the Chin Empire.
      Hope it helps.
      By the way, I've made a Crusader unit which I am particularly proud of. It's never been used in any scenario. I think you may like it, and suits perfectly to a 1200 AD game.
      If you're interested, take a look at it at

