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Auto player switching in scenario

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  • Auto player switching in scenario

    I don't know if this has happened to anyone else before. I'm playtesting a new scenario I've built, about Pizarro's Conquest. Seemed everything was alright, but after the end of first turn, human player automatically switches, and now I see the map of the Incas and I'm only able to enter Inca cities instead of Spanish ones.
    What have I made wrong? Can anyone help me?
    I'm afraid something must be wrong with my Civ2 version.
    [This message has been edited by jgv_fiera (edited March 07, 2000).]

  • #2
    Yes, I know this problem. What I did wrong was to save the scenario in "Show All Map" or in "Show Inca Map" (or whatever). Go back to the savegame you were working on, and make sure that the Shift F2 map version is "No Particular View". That way the map that loads up *ought* to be determined by which tribe you're playing as.

    Hope this helps!

    "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #3
      Thanks a lot, Covelia, problem fixed!
      Yes, I had saved the scenario in "Show Inca Map". You know, I'm nearly a starter in scenario-building.
      I hope that my scenario will be ready pretty soon, and that my English is not too bad.


      • #4
        Don't do a rush job! It's better to spend a bit too much time on it than too little. That way there is very little chance it wont be a good scenario.

        I like the theme, so do your best!
        The Lost Geologist Blog


        • #5
          Thanks for your support, Hendrik!
          I'm just being impatient because I want to update my page as soon as possible, you know. I have new units, and a pair of interesting things, but I think it isn't a good site if it doesn't offer a new scenario to play.
          If you like the theme, maybe you won't mind play-testing it. Let me know, ok?
          By the way, I would like to link my site to yours when I make the update- I will add a Links section and I think your History Resources Page it's just a great idea.


          • #6
            If you can, send me a copy too! Probably best to send it to:


            "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • #7
              Hola jgv,

              I'd also like to take a look at it.



              • #8
                To Covelia and Sable:
                OK, guys, I'm sending you the scenario.
                Thanks for your interest!


                • #9
                  I'd like to help you with playtesting, however, in the moment I'm already helping both Civfan and Stefan Härtel with a scenario. So I don't have the time to test a third one along with them. But I will let you know once I have time again.

                  You're welcome to put a Link to my site!
                  And it's great to hear you like the idea of my resource page!

                  Mathias' Civ II Page
                  The Lost Geologist Blog


                  • #10
                    I've playtested the scen as Pizarro and as Atahuallpa (once each). Would you like me to post the txt files to you via email or are you after some criticism on this forum?

                    It's got the potential to be a pretty decent and accurate scenario - all it needs is dedicated work! So keep it up.

                    "In all creation, there can be no task more onerous or tedious than that of playing God." - Stephen Fry, 'The Liar'.
                    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                    • #11
                      I think it's better via email. Send your files to
                      Looking forward to read them.

