Whew, I finally got around to finishing it.
ERRATA: Dwarves are MUCH easier to play than Saurs.
Dual Europe
by St. Leo (Leons Petrazickis)
Mmm, fantasy slugfest.
Please run dualeuro.exe to generate an events file based on which civs are goind to be played by humans and which are going to be played by the AI.
Yadda yadda yadda and the humans from Europe invaded the lands of the Six Races populating the mirror one. As the humans were about to achieve total victory, the invasion petered out. The Six Races have to strike back now before the human scum comes back to finish the job.
Saurs - This is the civ of Basilisks and amphibious Turtle Catapults (helicopters). They are positioned between the hammer (human Europe) and the anvil (their allies).
Dwarves - Baruk khazad! Khazad ai-menu! The Dwarves aren't in a particularly comfortable position either, but their units are better (I think).
Elves - The Elves are isolated and will not be able to grab that many cities before the human counterattack and the AI infighting strikes.
Orcs - Defensively, the Orcish position is excellent; offensively, it's not. Fortunately, their units have a generous movement allowance and are dumb enough to pretend that giant mountains and impenetrable jungles are roaded grasslands.
Hobbits - Their isle of gardens is not hard to defend once the humans are cleared off of it.
Azracs - Azracs have good units and decent offensive position.
Humans - Humans own all of their Europe and most of yours. Crush them.
Hmm. I wasn't drunk at the time. Dunno.
Cities: Age of Wonders
Terrains: Tim Smith(forests, mountains), Stefan Hartel(river deltas), and many others
Units: Age of Wonders, Heroes of Might and Magic III, a few third parties
Icons: Nothing special
Playtesting: Next to none
