The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Japanese launch suprise attack throughout the Pacific!
On December 7th, 1941, Japanese aircraft took off from carriers in the Pacific. Their target: Pearl Harbor. The aircraft scored a decisive victory in completely emliminating the United States' Pacific Navy. All of the units stationed in Pearl Harbor were completely destroyed and many of the Japanese planes landed at the airfields east of Pearl Harbor.
A new Yamato class Battleship that was stationed in Tokyo in November also secretly set sail for Midway Island. This "Super Battleship" destroyed all of the units stationed at Midway after a sustained barrage.
A carrier group was also able to destroy one of the American carriers in the North Pacific. After a fierce air battle, the Japanese bombers finally crippled the American carrier and it sunk shortly afterwards.
In China, the Chinese continue to fight fiercely and gains are very slow. We were able to take over Kunming and British held Hong Kong.
Japanese troops also launched campaigns throughout the rest of the Pacific. They were able to take over Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Tarakan, Manila, Guam, Ambon, and Surabaya. Davao was also destroyed.
The Japanese made many of these advances without very many losses at all!
Operation Barbarossa continues despite the harsh Russian winter. While the advances were not as fast as in the initial summer months, advances were still made, including the taking of the very important Leningrad.
Advances were made over the entire front as our troops captured Sevastopol, Rostov, Kharkov, and Kalinin.
The month of December also saw victories in the North Afrikan Campaign. Our troops took over Algiers and British held Alexandria.
Wow... moving 4 civs in this scenario sure takes a long time. I'm kinda sapped right now... so forgive this crappy narration.
America is shocked as Roosevelt's stupidity in exposing the entire Pacific Fleet to the Japs at Pearl Harbor. The people plan for a quick and brutal invasion of Japan, followed by a public hanging of FDR.
British ****ers sack the sandy cities of Alexandria and Benghazi. Commandos lead a minor expedition into Norway and Denmark. The Wehrmacht should just ignore this.
The Chinese fight like.... Chinese!
The fall of Leningrad has enraged the all loving Comrade Stalin. He orders a scorched earth policy that leaves roads, fortresses, and even capitalist sympathizers in shambles. Meanwhile... a tree falls somewhere in the midst of Siberia...
Oh my, they censored out w a n k e r s.
BTW Pap. sorry it took 2 days to do my turn. I was kinda hoping we could do 1 turn per day to make it go quick... But I'll try my best. Just go ahead and thin out the Allied ranks a bit.
The spread of Fascism has slowed to a crawl. Japanese units were able to station troops in Hawaii, and have secured the major port of Pearl Harbor! Other Japanese forces were able to defeat the Americans at Padang, and it has similarly been taken over and garrisoned.
Germany was shocked after Britain opened a second front in Norway and Denmark. Despite their best attempts, German troops weren't able to liberate these countries. Germany did strike a major blow to the economy of the Soviet Union, by taking over the major oil fields near Baku. German troops, aided by GFM Rommel, were able to liberate the city of Alexandria. While things may look promising now, the German command fears that the war in North Afrika may take longer than expected.
Hi Pap, I hoped you enjoyed your vacation. I was out of town for the weekend as well, so I didn't get a chance to do my turn and I don't have time right now.
But tomorrow (monday) after I get home from work I'll do my turn, or at least most of it. Then the game should get moving.
America takes her sweet time assesing her military might.
Britain utterly destroys Rommel's forces in Alexandria, paving the way for the fall of the rest of North Afrika.
The Chinese report they have the Japs precisely where they want them, and are about to unleash their secret weapon...
The people of the Soviet Union get liquored up on vodka and charge blinded into the Baku oil fields, liberating the region after a classic display how massive numbers in suicidal assaults can overcome any obstacle.
After finally stationing troops on Midway island, the Japanese used their resources from there and in Hawaii to attack the west coast of the USA. While ground units were not available to occupy the cities, all of the units stationed in Houston, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City were completely destroyed.
Japanese troops also continued thier advance on Australia by taking over the British city of Rabaul.
German advance still slow in winter months.
German troops were able to retake two of the cities that Allied troops occupied for a short time in January.
The war in North Africa is not going well, Rommel is retreating, and it does not lok like there will be much help coming soon.
Japan uses amazing Blitzkreig tactics, learned from their allies the Germans, to take over many cities in America!!
After taking Chunking in China, Japanese generals discussed the possibility of an invasion of America. Using misdirection techniques, the Japanese invaded America with very little resistance. After landing and taking over Los Angeles, Imperial Marines moved into the bombed out cities of San Francisco, Phoenix, Albuquerque, and Dallas.
The Japanese government is feeling very sure about themselves after nothing but victories throughout the Pacific.
In Germany, things are not looking good. After Britain and the United States opened up a second front by invading France, German troops are confused as to where to counterattack.
Lille has been completely destroyed after repeated bombing by both the Allies and Germany.
Troops in Russia made another blow to the Soviet morale by taking over the city of Stalingrad.