I have made few scenarios for Civ2. Never released anything, this is couple of years old. Took some time to make.
Note, the is no interlude, nor any events.
Basicly it is a total war scenario with some objectives.
EU, the european comission
Other major economies, Silvio Berlusconi
Soviet Bloc, Breznev
Chinese, Mao
USA, Jimmy Carter
Indians, Desai
Middle East, Komeini
All sides playable, watch out for the soviets
Please give feedback
Note, the is no interlude, nor any events.
Basicly it is a total war scenario with some objectives.
EU, the european comission
Other major economies, Silvio Berlusconi

Soviet Bloc, Breznev
Chinese, Mao
USA, Jimmy Carter
Indians, Desai
Middle East, Komeini
All sides playable, watch out for the soviets

Please give feedback
