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Enemy units appearing in my cities via events in Red Front

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  • Enemy units appearing in my cities via events in Red Front

    When playing some scenarios I give Red Front as my immediete example I find that enemy units created in an event somehow end up in a city I still control.

    Ie I own Riga a event occurs to create units at the co-ord of my city and they appear in my city with my units. I can disband them but not move them. I still have production and enemy units will no longer attack that city though the units inside will attack my units outside the city. This may been seen as good but ruins the game as I have to kill the city to be fair.

    This only happens for Riga and sometime Kursk, looking though the events files many other of my cities are included but from what I can tell it(events) won't create units at a location that the enemy controls.

    But with Riga/Kursk it apparently does?

    Can some one clarify this or offer a explanation as to how this could occur. ie if I have no units left in the city will it allow it etc

    I have reinstalled the events file from the original download but it still occurs.

    I run win2000

    Please help as I love RF V1.4 but this is happening more often now!
    Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.

  • #2
    I'm wondering if you missed loading a new events file or somesuch. If you backtrack through the one you're supposedly using at this point you should be able to find the particular event placing reinforcements at the Riga/Kursk coordinates.
    If there is no such event then you're probably using the wrong events file for the wrong portion of the game.

    Additionally, land units cannot be created at points on the map already occupied by units of other civs. If you have an empty city that may well register as a valid location. ie: Its a civ2 "bug" rather than a scenario problem...

