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How to change the color of...

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  • How to change the color of...

    Does anybody know how I can change the color of the main screen writing?
    I mean the things like on the right the "status" and at the top the "someones map" thing.
    I've been around but to no avail, though I did finallt find out how to change the civ colors, etc...
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hendrik the Great
    The Lost Geologist Blog

  • #2
    Read my post in the Scenario League forum of a week or two back or something, where I explained all of this.


    • #3
      I have just taken a look at it Allard and I must say it covers about everything one could possibly want to know. However it does not adress my problem.
      I know how to change civilization colors, flags, shield colors etc...but I need to know how I can change the color of the writing that is on the border. The things that say "Status" or "Someones Map".

      Thanks anyway...
      The Lost Geologist Blog


      • #4

        For the Scenario League's Design Tips section I've done the following example that changed the greys to orange-brown shades as per Allard's advice;

        Is that what you're after? In this example "Civilization II" is the text-box title that you may be referring to re. '"The things that say "Status" or "Someones Map"'.

        [This message has been edited by Cam (edited December 12, 1999).]


        • #5
          The Radar map's sea colour uses palette 83. The land colour uses 38. The Radar map's nations colours are already explained in CITIES.GIF.

          Text in the top border of all pop-up boxes is actually the UNITS.GIF's palette 16, with a shadow of palette 0.
          Some text (like "viewing pieces" on the right) is made of palette number 31 with a shadow -again- of number 0
          Most other text is palette 6 with a shadow of palette number 23.
          The way I formulated it is probably a bit confusing. But messing around with these colours in UNITS.GIF will give you the results you're looking for, if I understand your question correctly.
          And otherwise, just try and mess around with it a bit and I'm sure you'll be able to find the right palette colour.

          Perhaps I should have left the obvious things out in my design tip to make it more interesting for the experiences designers, but I chose not to.

          btw. Cam nice picture! Nice for a William of Orange scenario.
          Now that I think of it, there must be a way to to change the check boxes colours and OK/Cancel buttons. They look a bit too grey between all the bright orange.
          [This message has been edited by Allard HS (edited December 12, 1999).]


          • #6

            If you can, please do let me know! Unfortunately I suspect that the check boxes are an operating system thing, although I'd be the first person to admit I'm wrong if this these in fact can be amended.

            The above image was simply a case of swapping the palette around, and you can of course amend the colours in the background by amending icons.gif, although this won't change the text colour.

            I've sent the Design Tip off to Blackclove, but I'll need to make a minor edit re. your 'mouse' comment.


            • #7
              Ahh! The moment of enlightenment has come! Now I get it. Sounds pretty easy once someone tells you. I'll start messing around with it right away...

              The Lost Geologist Blog


              • #8
                The check boxes are, I think, in one of the DLL files for Civ 2. They are definitely not part of the operating system.

                i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_^=_,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Mark -*/


                • #9
                  Thanks Mark - any further details would be great.


                  • #10
                    Which means you could use RuneBergs .dll editor thingy.

