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Jihad 2000: The Unenlightenment. Yes! I'm still working on it!

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  • Jihad 2000: The Unenlightenment. Yes! I'm still working on it!

    I've decided to drop Jihad 2000 (for now).
    I'm going to work on a different project.
    [This message has been edited by Dracon (edited December 14, 1999).]

  • #2
    Souunds...well...sort of lame. Is it based on some inside joke you guys have or something, otherwise it just sounds like another overly original scenerio...
    "There is no can't, only won't."
    -Line from American Kick Boxer 2 (American Shaolin)


    • #3
      If you need another Hindu hero, you can put me in. I'll draw you an icon if necessary.

      BTW, you're on your summer holidays? Isn't it
      winter now?

      Follow the masses!
      30,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
      Follow the masses!
      30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


      • #4
        I think Dracon is either an Aussie or New Zealander.


        • #5
          "Overly Original" that's a good thing. Yeah, I know, I threw that storyline together in a couple of minutes. The Scenario itself, will be quite good.

          Alright Stefan, you can be a Hindu hero. Just draw up a unit icon, and you'll be right.

          And yep, I'm an Aussie, and it's a lovely summer

 - Click here if you want, I'm not spamming
 - Click here if you want, I'm not spamming.


          • #6
            Well, originallity is good, but over originality, i.e. something that only you a few other qued in people could appreciate is another thing. A modern day religious war sounds neat though, but i'd leave the giant squid out if I were making it
            "There is no can't, only won't."
            -Line from American Kick Boxer 2 (American Shaolin)

