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  • #16
    OK Allard, we`ll do that.
    "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

    Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


    • #17
      I'm back!

      I have been thinking and I thought if it might not be possible to include the bunkers that Holland had. Especially the ones on the cost and at the border with germany.
      I'm not sure about the ones on the border, there probally weren't many but I would include the costal bunkers and fortifications that either already existed or were built in the time of occupation. It would become more difficult to undertake a successfull landing from the sea at certain locations. You could also add coastal guns that can attack ships.

      So, how is the progress going?

      Hendrik the Great
      The Lost Geologist Blog


      • #18
        Good to see that you`re with us, Hendrik!

        Progress on the scenario is going well. As you can see from the posts that I`ve put up, I`ve found a lot about Holland during the war, including (and this is the jackpot as far as I`m concerned); complete armed forces lists for the Dutch military at the beginning of the invasion. Every man, tank, plane, A.A battery etc. is on this website I visited (I forget the address, but I`ll find it again)!

        Your point about the bunkers and coastal fortifications is a good one. Infact, there are the remains of a German gun turret near the village where my grandparents used to live (Zoutelande, in Walcheren) and I did think about this. Perhaps the fortifications could be appear as the Germans capture Dutch coastal cities, or they might appear by events. As I`ve found out from Allard, I`ll have to create the Noord-Oost Polder by events, which should prove interesting, to say the least!

        I look forward to any more contributions from you!
        "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

        Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


        • #19
          Hello Paul, I am back.
          Sorry for being idle in the last two weeks, I hade to study a lot because of school tests I really needed to get a good grade in.

          But they are all over now so I can start thinking about other things.

          Will you include an event about the dutch royal family? I.e. that they established an exil government in London.

          How about making an event about the Cultur Kammer with Seyss Inquart? ( I hope I got that name right...).
          Do you know that the Luftwaffe actually attacked from the sea and not land? They flew over the whole of Holland and the dutch military staff thought they were going to England only to discover that the aircraft turned around just behind the horizon and then came back and destroyed nearly all dutch aircraft on the ground.
          It might be one the the small details you might want to add. just let the aircraft come from the sea.

          More in the coming days...

          Hendrik the Great
          The Lost Geologist Blog


          • #20
            Posting on St. Nicolas day!! Jippie!
            Of course, all non-dutch have no idea what I'm talking about


            • #21
              Hi Allard! Of course I know what that means!
              Afterall, who doesn't know St. Nicolas and de Zwarte Piet?
              But then again, I think I don't count because I can almost consider myself half a dutchman myself because I've beem living here for nearly 3 years and am even born in Schiedam.

              So, how are you two progressing on the scenario? Or should I better ask Paul?

              Hendrik the Great
              The Lost Geologist Blog


              • #22

                We have that here in Germany too. It's called "Nikolaustag".

                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                • #23
                  Don`t worry, I`m still here. I`ve got a lot on my plate at the moment, what with exams, and the fact that I bought TOT on Saturday. I will win that SciFi scenario.

                  To tell the truth, works been slow on the scenario at the moment. I`ve got the cities placed, and I`m working on trying to create an urban terrain using the mountain graphics (similar to what Nemo did on "Red Front").

                  I`ve done a bit of swotting up on the subject, so I have a good idea of what you mean by the Cultur Kammer, and the Dutch royal family in exile. Don`t now how I`d get the Germans to atack from the sea though.

                  Hope you all had a happy St. Nicholas` Day! I`ve got to wait until the 25th for mine, lucky b******s

                  "I`m a rugged individualist, just like everyone else".

                  -Bart Simpson`s Guide to Life
                  "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                  Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                  • #24
                    Same for GD of Luxembourg-it is called Kléesercher's Daach!


                    • #25
                      [This message has been edited by Overdrive (edited December 06, 1999).]


                      • #26
               to let them come from the sea?

                        You could simply place them there above the sea with enough movement left to them to be able to reach a friendly city or airbase.
                        ->They have to be placed very carefully and the germans would have to move first.
                        Solution: The germans did move first in reality.

                        You could put one or more ships with aircraft capability in the sea.
                        ->But that's not very realistic because the only german aircraft carrier ever built never entered service.
                        Solution: The carrier would have to be disbanded after a few turns to avoid totally unrealistic situations.(Make it obsolete?)

                        Give the aircraft a range of two or three so they can stay in the air long enough until the germans take a city they can go to.
                        ->Then however they could only attack once and would be very vulnerable for enemy planes. There were hardly any german planes lost in combat after the attack on Holland.
                        Solution: Give them high defense or don't give the dutch many planes or none at all.

                        You could some terrain in the sea that looks like water but with an airbase on it so the planes have a place to start from.
                        ->The planes might stay longer than you want them to, ship might attack the islands and destroy the planes, a bit unrealistic...
                        Solution: Change the terrain back to 0cean after one or two turns. Use move unit command to get the planes into dutch airspace.(But that's a bit bugy I think).

                        That are about all the ways I could think of in the moment.

                        Ahh, you bought ToT, too?
                        Do you like it? I can't decide.

                        Hendrik the Great
                        The Lost Geologist Blog


                        • #27
                          Hi Paul

                          There is a boardgame called Europa which replays WWII in battlion/brigade/division scale. There are several parts and all of them replays the WWII through 1939-1945 (I think there even is a Spanish Revolution Part). I own among others the Part that represent the German attack on the Low Countries and France in 1940. There has been ALOT of research in this project so I guess unit strenght and locations are as good as one would ever could hope for.

                          If you're interested I can copy the Army locations and strenght of the Dutch and German formations. I could also copy the map if you would like too. And if you would like the info for the Belgian, France, British Expeditionary Force and Swiss army I could fix that too.

                          I also own the part covering the attack on Norway if anyone is interested. Plenty of detail there as well as the Swedish setup before the outbreak of the war.

                          I also own a hypothetical German attack on Spain. Here all Spanish and Portuguese forces are shown.

                          I wish you good luck in the scenario making. If I can be of any help please don't hesitate to ask for it. There can't be too many scenarios for Civ2.


                          • #28
                            Hi Steen,

                            Any info you`ve got on this subject would be greatly appreciated, especially on military placements and strategies (the Christmas holidays are coming up so I`ll have plenty of free time to work on this project). Specifically info on the Dutch, Belgian, German armies and the BEF.

                            E-mail it to me as soon as you can.

                            "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                            Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.

