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Playtesters needed for The Struggle for Europe

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  • Playtesters needed for The Struggle for Europe

    I am now finishing TSFE 2 and need some more playtesters for single player versions.

    To raise the interest here are some screenshots:

    German armies are closing to Paris.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Rommel has a hard day.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      East Front 1944
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I'd like to playtest. I've been looking forward to TSFE2 coming out for a while now.



        • #6
          Basicly it is complete rework of the original.

          The main difference is that AI is now much better, especially in production. This reason there is no easy, medium and hard levels as in TSFE1 - help what AI gets from events is greatly reduced.

          The map is changed: there are no more snow in Africa during winter and many other changes too.

          Scenario starts not from May but from April 1940, allowing to represent German invasions to Denmark and Norway.

          Most nations have their own city-styles. City buildings and some wonders are changed. I have taken use of multiple rules for activating and deactivating key wonders for simulating certain historical events.

          Another new feature is that roads give no moving benefits unless they go through rough terrain. All ground units have very high movepoints, so the game speed is not slowed by any rate. The main benefit of the concept is more realistic gameplay: battles are not fought only along roads but along the whole front. Also there is no unrealistic slowdown in Africa during winter like it was in earlier versions.

          Most of the land is "stackable" (covered by invisible fortresses). Exceptions are roads, rivers, mountains, marshes and tundra. This helps to reduce differences between cities (defence 300% with Anti-Tank Defences) and open land (defence now 200%). This way more fighting takes place outside cities. These fortresses are taken account in units attack and defence strenghts. Stackable terrain is also very useful for air combat: you can safely stack your escort fighters with bombers. Even when fighter is defeated the bomber still survives.

          Terrain factors are changed to meet with the moving and "stackable" concepts. Also shield production and unit costs are reduced two times to allow rushbuilding. Slowdown in winter is reduced allowing greater winter-campaigns.

          Units are better balanced. Infantry is much stronger and can compete with tanks on battlefield. John Petroski's conception in air war (range 2 fighters) is adopted. Several new general (Carriers, Engineers, Sappers, Freights, Secret Agents (with limited capabilities), Anti-Tank Infantry) and special units (SS Panzers, Veteran Panzers, Guard Tanks, Polish Infantry, Spanish Legioners). Many unit slots have been rearranged for more natural upgrading through multiple units files.
          Units are changed to Nemo-styled ones. But there is alternative set of units for people who prefer the original ones.

          Yugoslavia is represented by barbarians with their own unique units. This allows to simulate Yugoslavian underground armies even when the country is conquered. There are now two factions of Yugoslavian partisans: Tito communists (under Soviet control) and royalist Cetniks (barbarians).

          Turkey takes Yugoslavian place as 7th civ.


          • #7
            How big (mb) will the scn be?
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            • #8
              The playtest files are 2,23 MB zipped (without sounds which can be downloaded from Civfanatics).

              I am not going to send the files by e-mail but I'll give a link where you can download the scenario.

              So, do you like to playtest?


              • #9
                Yes, I'm going to playtest!
                Alles ist möglich! Nichts wird uns aufhalten!
                Solidarität mit Island!

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                • #10
                  Sorry, double post
                  Alles ist möglich! Nichts wird uns aufhalten!
                  Solidarität mit Island!

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