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Need of Playtesters

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  • Need of Playtesters

    Hey everyone!

    I need playtesters for a scenario called Louis XIV!
    Its quite a ambitious scenario and I want it to be as good as possible!


  • #2
    Mail it!
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    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!
    Mail it!


    • #3
      Is the zip-file smaller than 1 MB? If though send it to

      I've never playtested any scenarios till now, except my own ones, but I will definitly do my best!

      One has to start sometime.

      Is there anything I should pay special attention to when testing your scenario?

      Hendrik the Great
      The Lost Geologist Blog


      • #4
        Is the zip-file smaller than 1 MB? If though send it to

        I've never playtested any scenarios till now, except my own ones, but I will definitly do my best!

        One has to start sometime.

        Is there anything I should pay special attention to when testing your scenario?

        Hendrik the Great
        The Lost Geologist Blog


        • #5
          Darn! Another dubble-post!

          Stupid machines!
          The Lost Geologist Blog


          • #6
            Achielly I want playtesters to two scenarios now!

            The other scenario is about a little war between Russia and Sweden 1788-90. Its based on the "small, quick and exciting" theme! To win the scenario youll have to take the Russian capital.
            When you at the world today its a quite a crazy idea that Sweden would be able to conquer the Russian capital. Well they didnt succed either, but they were close!
            Its a little bit of mission scenario.
            Ive created some really good Units for it!

            The Louis XIV scenario is more of a classical scenario, long and fat! Big!
            Like 30 years war and Chales V... its focusing on a historical age and you can play many different civs.

            I got the picture Hodad!
            Ill send Louis XIV over to you!
            Altough not the sound, its more than a MB!
            If you have Michael Jezsenkas Seven Years War sound you can place them in the SOund folder.
            The Readme aint finished!

            Hendrik. Its about a half MB plus the Sounds.



            • #7


              • #8
                Rhenskold, which one will you be sending me now?
                BTW, I've seen the review of your scenario about Sweden at SL today. Doesn't look that bad. Cetainly with a little more work you could make quit something out of it.
                So, when will I get the scenario?
                Doesn't matter which one. Just send me one!

                Hendrik the Great
                The Lost Geologist Blog


                • #9
                  It's me, Jonas, Nick, from mail. Mail it here, I'll playtest it.

                  Nick Crown (Greek.)

                  Nicholas Crown
                  The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


                  • #10
                    Hendrik. I have send the Gustav III:s Russian War to you!
                    Yes I will probably begin working on it soon.
                    But first I got to be finished with this scenario.

                    Nick. I have send you the same scenario.



                    • #11
                      Rhenskold, I just received it!

                      Hendrik the Great
                      The Lost Geologist Blog


                      • #12
                        I've never playtested any scenarios till now, except my own ones, but I will definitly do my best!
                        f.y.i. I've done a rather lengthy document on playtesting scenarios at that may be of interest. Even though it's about playtesting your own scenario, the rules apply equally for other people's!


                        • #13
                          Thanks Cam! But I already read it a while ago.
                          It is of great help in the scenario I am currently making.
                          BTW, I cannot play rhenskold scenario anyway, it is a higher version than my civ.

                          How about helping him? He needs more playtesters!

                          Hendrik the Great
                          The Lost Geologist Blog


                          • #14
                            Glad you found it of help! Having spent several hours writing and rewriting it, I'm glad that a few people seem to have got something from it.

                            I think I'm 'in the same boat' as yourself. I have Fantastic Worlds but not Multiplayer Gold Edition (which is the version I understand this scenario it written in).


                            • #15
                              Well I do only own a cd disc called Civilization Ultimate Classic Collection, which covers both Civ 2, MGE, FW and the scenarios! So I dont know which it that the scenario requires!
                              Nick? Which CD do you use when you play my scenario?

