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I have an idea for a weird scenario

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  • I have an idea for a weird scenario

    In the glory days of pulp fiction there was a series called "G-8 and His Battle Aces". The heroes were three American fighter pilots in the first world war. In every story they encounter bizarre foes and mad-scientist creations: zombie soldiers, walking skeletons, floating human heads, wolf-men, tiger-men, bat-men, monster apes, invisible planes, invisible men, strange gasses and rays. I thought it might inspire a fun fantasy scenario.

    Any suggestions are welcome, but I have a couple specific questions. First, I've read in some reviews about "quests" in scenarios. What is meant by this, and how is it done? Is it just a matter of creating a unit with an event and then giving the player gold for killing the unit? Second, can I disallow tech trading and tech through conquest, but still allow stealing technology?

  • #2
    Never heard of "G-8 and his Battle Aces", but it sounds like a laugh.

    A quest in a scenario is, in its simplest form, just what you described. But it can be expanded into something much bigger. If you`ve ever played "Prince of Darkness" or "Sword of Shannara", you`ll have seen how the quest theme can be taken to another level, to turn a scenario into something resembling a different game, only using the CivII engine.

    To allow stealing of technology but not allow trading and tech through conquest is quite tricky. You could do it with a few certain techs by setting a tech as its own prerequisite, for example:


    Get the idea? It`s not ideal, but as far as I know it`s the only way.

    P.S The diagram won`t come out properly. Bloody crap thingy
    [This message has been edited by Paul Hanson (edited November 08, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by Paul Hanson (edited November 08, 1999).]
    "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

    Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


    • #3
      To disallow tech' gains through conquest, you 'toggle' this variable in the scenario parameters...Cheat > Scenario Parameters > Edit Special Rules > Forbid Tech From Conquest (1)

      To disallow tech' exchanges, forbid negotiations between the relevant tribes.
      Alternately you can use the 'give technology' action in the events to ensure that certain technologies once received by a particular tribe will trigger an event that gives them a 'no,no' advance. This is a little confusing, and would be best explained with a lengthy example. While not perfect for this exercise, the section in that is titled 'Quarantining Governments - Events' demonstates how 'Socialism' could be traded, but 'Communism' (a 'no,no' advance) is only obtainable by the East Germans. Please get in touch with me if you need this explained further.

      To permit tech' gains through theft, provide diplomat/spy units. Be wary of using diplomats in scenarios - they can cause havoc at times, particularly if one tribe builds up a good cash reserve.

      As for your idea/theme - it sounds terrific! I also have never heard of it, but with some good graphics and a lively events file, this could be a superb game.

