Greetings again all,
Whilst fiddling with some values of units today, I made what could be a very interesting discovery. I do not know if this has been seen before, but it resembles the odd unit movement value phenomenon being discussed here. Perhaps William Keenan or someone has already figured this out. Perhaps not...
What I did was to mistakingly set the cost of a unit to 148. I just forgot to delete the 8 when changing the cost to 14. Well, to my surprise it resulted in the wierdest thing happening... the unit in question had a NONE listed as the cost! There was no shield box to be filled in, and of course any city or specific Civ can produce any unit at no cost to them! It would just require a dedicated ultra-expensive unit slot.
This will be good for scenarios where you want a very good unit, or lots of units, to be built from a worthless city or a city that shouldn't be of value when captured. No need to make city improvements extra cheap so the player wont sell them off etc. Many unique uses for this I believe. I havent really tested it much, I don't know if 148 is the magic number or what, but here are 2 screenies to show you what I am talking about. Try it out!
And if this is a new discovery, then it has my â„¢ on it!

Whilst fiddling with some values of units today, I made what could be a very interesting discovery. I do not know if this has been seen before, but it resembles the odd unit movement value phenomenon being discussed here. Perhaps William Keenan or someone has already figured this out. Perhaps not...
What I did was to mistakingly set the cost of a unit to 148. I just forgot to delete the 8 when changing the cost to 14. Well, to my surprise it resulted in the wierdest thing happening... the unit in question had a NONE listed as the cost! There was no shield box to be filled in, and of course any city or specific Civ can produce any unit at no cost to them! It would just require a dedicated ultra-expensive unit slot.
This will be good for scenarios where you want a very good unit, or lots of units, to be built from a worthless city or a city that shouldn't be of value when captured. No need to make city improvements extra cheap so the player wont sell them off etc. Many unique uses for this I believe. I havent really tested it much, I don't know if 148 is the magic number or what, but here are 2 screenies to show you what I am talking about. Try it out!
And if this is a new discovery, then it has my â„¢ on it!
