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Red Front scenario

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  • Red Front scenario

    This is just a plug for my new upcoming scenario, just click at the bottom of the page on CSC to see some preview screenshots.
    If you want to comment or ask questions about it, feel free...
    It will be ready within the next 2 weeks and it's going to be a "classic"(IMHO).

  • #2
    I`ve seen the screenshots, and they look amazing! I especially like the idea of having different seasons on it. If the shots are anything to go by, it`s going to be even better than 2194 Days of War!

    Keep the good work up, Nemo.
    "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

    Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


    • #3
      You can't judge a book by it's cover...

      ..but this time I'll make an exception.


      • #4
        To spark more interest, here are some more details about the use of seasons in the game (from the Readme file):

        There are multiple events.txt files each designated for a certain period of the war and designed to simulate the changes between summer and winter conditions. This allows the game challenge and focus to change as the war progresses. The changes of season are handled by simple executable .bat files that modify all the required graphics, events and rules in one shot. Three simple steps: Save game, Run XX.bat File, Load need to exit the game, no complicated file copy instructions.

        The summer-winter factor is very important in the game. Not only does it change the landscape completely every fall and spring but it also modifies the terrain and unit rules. Here are some examples:

        The roads become less effective in the winter to simulate mechanical breakdowns, mud in the fall months and the stalling of movement due to paralyzing cold, exhaustion etc. Both sides are affected but the Germans are more affected.

        Grassland, plain and tundra terrain movement cost is doubled (Difficult to drive or walk through 8 feet of snow)

        Deciduous forest, which loses its leaves in the wintertime, also loses its defensive bonus.
        Spruce forest, on the other hand, keeps it's defensive bonus, but becomes almost impossible to move through.

        Marshes freeze over so their high movement penalty decreases significantly in the winter.

        Russian tanks with wide tracks (T-34's) move better on the snow than German narrow track tanks.

        The Finnish infantry, which is really average in the summer months, becomes a real dangerous force in the winter due to their very high mobility and winter warfare experience. Unit graphic changes to troops on skis with white clothing.

        All farmland and irrigation bonuses are cancelled during the winter months so cities go into temporary starvation and must live off their reserves. Cities without granaries can really suffer if they start the winter with low/no reserves.


        • #5
          Sounds fantastic ! I like it.

          (I was wondering how you were going to manage the seasonal changes)

          If only they had incorporated a built-in "season change" facility in Civ2-ToT.

          Maybe we can hope for Civ3...

          Will you be developing a version of the scenario for Test of Time ?


          • #6
            Sorry, no plans for a ToT version at this time. It will be for the FW version only.

