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Looking for Darth Veda's Jap scenario

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  • Looking for Darth Veda's Jap scenario

    Could someone tell me where I can find it? I have a sudden urge to play a WW2 scenario as the Rising Sun.
    Re-elect Bush!

  • #2
    I'd recommend Case's battle of Oz. Its a bit easy playing as the Empire of the Sun but most satisfying if you want to crush those pesky Aussies.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ravagon
      I'd recommend Case's battle of Oz. Its a bit easy playing as the Empire of the Sun
      That's putting it lightly! Didn't you finish the scenario in something like 3 turns when you playtested it as the Japanese?

      but most satisfying if you want to crush those pesky Aussies.
      I have to admit that I enjoy seeing the Japanese conquer Queensland

      Darthveda posted an excelent looking beta ages ago, you may be able to dig though the old posts unil you find it...

      Failing that, Harlan Thompson's WW2 in the Pacific scenario is damn fine
      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


      • #4
        Harlan Thompson's Pacific War Scenario

        Hey guys,
        Every time I try to play the scenario, Civ 2 crashes, saying there is a error in civ2.exe.
        I am running the patched MGE.

        I can load the scenario fine, but as soon as I try to move a unit, it crashes.

        Help please!



        • #5
          Originally posted by Case

          Didn't you finish the scenario in something like 3 turns when you playtested it as the Japanese?
          Heh. Actually I didn't playtest that one. I didn't end up winning it either as I had to retreat at the thought of throwing away my IJA legions in utterly suicidal assaults against those fearsome Kiwi reinforcements!


          • #6
            Originally posted by ravagon
            Heh. Actually I didn't playtest that one.
            Oh yeah.
            It was actually Boco who conquered Australia in three weeks. *makes note to move to New Zealand should he ever become president of a major nation*
            'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


            • #7
              Originally posted by ravagon
              I'd recommend Case's battle of Oz. Its a bit easy playing as the Empire of the Sun but most satisfying if you want to crush those pesky Aussies.
              But I like Australians...

              Re-elect Bush!


              • #8
                The addy for the beta (ie it only plays to 1939ish, about 20 turns) is:

                In the past few weeks I've been working on it, I've fixed a number of bugs and updated some of the graphics.

                I'm also at sort of a crossroads about how I want the rest of the scenario to play out. I can either have a month-by-month objective system like in the first 5 turns, or I can have some more broad-based system.

                That's the lesser of my concerns, as I'm trying to think whether I want a true-to-history representation of ww2 for the japs (victory at first followed by crushing defeat and eventual loss), or a looser interpretation.

                Unfortunately, even though the ToT AI is much improved, I'm still not certain of how wildly unpredictable and stupid it could be using its Naval units. (Imagine a stack of 5 carriers, 6 battleships, and 12 other units sitting on top of each other at sea).

                What I'm even more concerned about is not the AI's ability to scourge the player on the ocean (the dive-bombers will no doubt tear through unprotected fleets) but more about it's strategic goals.

                For example, if I were to take a "guided approach" to the AI, ala Red Front, telling it where to move and when, the player would be able to freelance anywhere in the pacific and concentrate on protecting one small path.

                The AI on Freelance probably wouldn't fair any better.

                So I have two questions that need answering:

                1) Can a game that ultimately ends up in defeat be entertaining? Or should I go for a less historical approach?

                2) What is to be done about the AI at sea? It can use carriers inteligently enough, but it's fleet action leaves something to be desired. (I'll test this for confirmation--although I doubt it is on the same level as Halsey or Nimitz).

                If anybody has any suggestions on how to make the AI perform decent fleet actions, I'm all ears.


                • #9
                  Hi Darth,

                  Firstly, thanks for not giving up on the scenario. I knew it wasn't finsihed, but I didn't not know you were still working on it!

                  About your questions:
                  I'm always for the historic scenarios, especially when it results in a crushing defeat. And I think this would be easier to simulate than a freelance scenario, at least if you want both to be challenging. Here's what I would do with the navy in your situation.

                  I would used events of everything. I wouldn't count on the AI keeping organized fleets because they won't. When you want the American fleet to attack a certain point, you create a fleet at that point and used the moveunit command (moveunit could be optional). For example, if I wanted the Americans to attack Manila, I'd use the give technology event, like liberation of the philipines (credit license is allowed ) and then used the received technology trigger. With the count and randomize parameters, you can created a hell of a lot of warships and aircraft (using minimal event space since this is ToT ) near Manila, and they wouldn't be stacked too badly either. If you used moveunit action and have received technology as the trigger, make sure you type that in after all your credit unit events, because the game reads and processes the events from top to bottom. If you have the moveunit action before the create units, the units won't move.

                  For AI carriers, I would just give them a LOT of HP, like 9, just to simulate the aircraft that would normally be used to defend them, because we know the AI will not land aircraft on them. And as long as you create this with events like I described and you create aircraft, AI airforce will be in the area on the offensive to deal with. Just be liberal with the count parameter. To simulate aggresive AIs, I normally give their troops a little statistic advantage, but an incredible advantage in their numbers. In my Tot scenarios, the human usually ends up getting outnumbered around 10 to 1 to make up for Artificial Idiocy.

                  Anyway, I hope you finish the scenario soon! Good luck!
                  Re-elect Bush!


                  • #10
                    Well I made some interesting discoveries in the last hour or so.

                    Firstly, I was quite impressed with the ToT AI's ability to command a carrier. Not only did it sortie and return aircraft to the carrier, it showed the ability to load aircraft from land bases and vice versa. Granted, there were a number of aircraft that flew off into the wild blue never to be heard from again, but it's an improvement over MGE. The carriers are much smarter when they are near a friendly city for some reason (fighters know they have to rebase, but aren't always inclined to rejoin the carrier, even if it means suicide).

                    Transports did moderately well, taking nearby bases of opportunity.

                    The AI however, showed its usual need to stack units (but not every single turn, it did spread them around).

                    SO, what I'm thinking of doing, in addition to suggestions above, is changing the infantry units that are settler status to regular infantry, so that they can fortify, and covering the oceans in fortresses.

                    Thankfully, fortresses don't seem to add bonuses to water units but they do prevent all units from dying in a single shot.

                    As for the big picture, the AI is going to need some kind of "nudge" or encouragement to send units to a particular area. Carriers could be a problem in that respect, as I don't know if the air units will stay if given a general "moveunit" command, or if they will just fly to their doom. I suspect the latter.

                    So I think I'll give the carrier AI a freelance approach with transports/melee sea units receiving a moveunit push, (especially at objective points), and see what it does.

                    In combination with the stacked sea unit combat, it may just work...


                    • #11
                      A new look for an old friend...
                      Attached Files


                      • #12

                        Re-elect Bush!


                        • #13
                          And the parade goes on...
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Looks good, Darth I like the Indian Infantry
                            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                            • #15
                              Ok events file #6 is theoretically done. Now I just need to playtest it.

