Airbases can be abused by the human player. In my latest patch I have disabled airbases by removing the Radio tech and included a new unit.
Airforce Squad, nil, 0, 1.,0, 4a,4d, 2h,2f, 8, 0, 3, AFl, 010000010000001
That is:
Att:4 Def:4 Mov:1 Cost:80
Double defense vs. aircraft
Sees 2 squares
Carrier flag on = aircraft can land on the Airforce Squad. If it moves, it does not carry them.
Try it!
Airforce Squad, nil, 0, 1.,0, 4a,4d, 2h,2f, 8, 0, 3, AFl, 010000010000001
That is:
Att:4 Def:4 Mov:1 Cost:80
Double defense vs. aircraft
Sees 2 squares
Carrier flag on = aircraft can land on the Airforce Squad. If it moves, it does not carry them.
Try it!