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Using unit icon "collections" in the unit editor....

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  • Using unit icon "collections" in the unit editor....

    Ok...I DL'd that Mideivel/fantasy units collection from the archive.But I can't figure out how to apply the new icons graphics in the unit icon editor.I'm not sure if it's because the 300+ units are arranged differently than the units1-3 files in the library or what...someone pleaser help!


  • #2

    FW is evil! Do not use the editor! Evil!

    Instead, open up a paint program, open up the units.gif you want to add the units to. Then open up the units collection. Cut the one you want to add and then paste it onto the unit.gif. You do have PSP right?

    If you use Corel (Like me) you need Microsoft Paint (It comes with windows). Then all you do is cut the image out of Corel and paste it into MS Paint. The reason for this extra step? Well, Corel doesn't automatically remap the colors like PSP does. I can still get around that .



    • #3
      Thanx !Yes I do own PSP.I'm still fairly new to civ2 (been playing about 7 months) but I was itching to play around with the editors a bit.


      • #4
        The graphic editors are very hard to work with in FW. Also, don't use the events editor - copy and old events file from another scenario and replace everything. Why? Because the events editor won't let you create barbarian units if you want them.
        "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


        • #5
          There's no harm in playing around with the editors, but they can only do so much. To REALLY modify a game you have to dig deep into the realms of Rules.txt and Game.txt.

          "Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 1999, DON'T USE THE FW EDITOR!!!"

          What a crappy parody of the Baz Luhrman song...


          • #6
            Well, what's wrong with using the editor for the things it can do, then editing the file by hand for the things the editor won't do?


            • #7
              Sit down my son for I must tell you a tale of a hideous monster by the name of FW editor...

              No really. The rules editor is full of bugs that will mess up your files making it so you have to redo them. (Bad thing)

              The graphics editor doesn't have the tools you need to make new icons for improvements and units. (Bad thing)

              The events editor is just trash because you can't make barbarian units with it and it makes all of your events embedded. (Bad thing)

              These are just but a few of the things that the evil FW editor can do (Or not do).


              • #8
                Are the problems with the FW editors the reason that for some, not all, scenarios that were created for FW I'm getting these messages that say "Barracks attack at" or "Aquaduct attack at" when I'm attacked by some units? It seems to happen primarily for things that would be the same as a missle. I'm using MGE and thought that it was just some conflict between the two versions that was my problem. Is it possibly the editors that were used to create the scenarios instead?


                • #9
                  Well, that's a new one...I've seen stuff like that where units with the missile (destroyed after attacking) flag is turned on, then the message "missile attack near ____" comes up. Haven't seen anything about improvements before. There are too many bugs in the editors to know for sure.


                  • #10
                    Sofar it has been improvements, names of specialized units that only my civ has, and names of other civs, including myself, but not the actual attacking civ or unit doing the attacking. Sofar I have not had this problem with scenarios that state that they are designed for MGE.



                    • #11
                      Well what about the tech tree editor? or the unit stats editor? (not the graphics ed. i know thats gay). These make it much more streamlined, you just type in a few numbers, no looking or trying to remember what field was what. The units editor works fine this way, and what about the terrain editor? I've used it to change irrigation settings and what the terrain turns into after its transformed and it works perfectly fine. So I wouldnt say the entire package is bad just because the events editor has a few bugs.

             (Please use this oposed to my ISP given email.)


                      • #12
                        Actually, I startd out attempting to make my scenarios (not exactly the appropriate word...) in notepad, so after a bit of practice I've been able to memorize what values are what. Now...

                        Well what about the tech tree editor?
                        Easy, if you try to make civ specific units/advances, then you're gonna get burned. There are two tips on it in the SLeague ( Tip 15; Tip 16)

                        or the unit stats editor?
                        Lalalalalalala, I think it's annoying to have to keep flipping between one unit and the other, especially when in Notepad all the units are right there in front of you.

                        what about the terrain editor?
                        Don't know much about that, but nontheless, I still don't like it. What I do know is that it changes the rules.txt, and due to the Laws of FW Editor, in the Book of Fast Eddie, and I quote,

                        The editor has a tendency to screw around with the rules.txt and therefore make it incompatible with the game, and thus make you have to redo your rules.txt time and again
                        So I wouldnt say the entire package is bad just because the events editor has a few bugs.
                        Neither would I. The entire package is bugged.

                        [This message has been edited by Fast_Eddie (edited August 29, 1999).]


                        • #13
                          Those are great links, good tips. Thanks for showing them to me.

                 (Please use this oposed to my ISP given email.)


                          • #14
                            So FastEddie, none of these things was fixed in MGE?


                            • #15
                              i have been trying to cut and paste custom units into units.gif using Micrographix Picture publisher that came with my scanner. All seems well but when I try to start the game, even if all i did was change a white pixel to a gray pixel, it doesnt even make it to the intro movie but instead crashes with a page fault error. What do you suppose is the problem?

