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Help on keeping civs at war!

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  • Help on keeping civs at war!

    In the Kosovo scenario I am creating, I used the events editor to keep the Serbs and the Kosovars at war. In the EVENTS.txt file, it reads:


    Then, when I begin the scenario, the first dialog box I get after I end my first turn is "The war between the Serbs and the Kosovars has ended". What's the deal here?!

    BTW, I've also tried editing the treaty status, but to no avail. Current settings for the Serbs and the Kosovars are mutual contact, war, and vendetta. Any help would be appreciated.
    [This message has been edited by shamrock (edited August 08, 1999).]

  • #2
    I have this problem too sometimes. Make sure each civ has an embassy with the other civ.

    What is happening is that both civs lose contact with each other (but they are still at war... just not as actively).


    • #3
      Could you send me a copy of the scenario when its ready? I have a special interest in the former Yugoslavia. If you need any help with things like historical accuracy just ask.
      "Kad pozelis radit, sidi, pricekaj, vidit ces da ce te proc."
      (When you feel like working, wait, it will pass)


      • #4
        I think those messages are some sort of bug. You may want to add another @IF statement with each country having to MAKEAGRESSION on the other every turn to be safe.
        "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


        • #5
          That particular message box is 'buggy', and if you go back and play one of the tribes in question you'll probably find they are still at war as suggested. As above noted, the 'make aggression' every turn should put the matter beyond doubt.

          To be 'super careful', in your events file you might want to do the 'negotiation' event individually for each tribe, both talking and listening, provided you have the space in events.txt.


          • #6
            Cam is being too delicate. You have to make a negotiation statement for both tribes you are seeking to constrain.
            "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


            • #7
              Oops, double post.
              [This message has been edited by Tornado7 (edited August 10, 1999).]
              "And how much, my fellow warriors, can a world change in a mere 800 revolutions??!!"
              -Shiplord Kirel, Worldwar:In the Balance


              • #8
                Ok, you can keep the two at war, but you can't allow them to talk.
                You create an event in the event file that says something like this:
                talker=(Civ name here)
                listner=(Other civ name here)

                This also works with "anyone" in the civ name slots. Remember to:
                Drop the quotes and stuff.
                leave a blank line between @THEN and @ENDIF.
                The only bad part about this means they won't be able to negotiate.
                Oh well.

                Truth is stranger than fiction, and people are weirder than both.
                "And how much, my fellow warriors, can a world change in a mere 800 revolutions??!!"
                -Shiplord Kirel, Worldwar:In the Balance


                • #9
                  Thanks for the comments everyone - the solution that I used was to play around with the "set last contact" option. As weird as it may sound, it turned out that that my last contact setting was a later turn than the scenario starting turn. Setting the last contact turn to turn zero resolved this issue.

                  NOTE TO TOMISLAV: I'd be happy to send you this scenario (entitled ALLIED FORCE). I should be done testing it within the next two weeks. Since this scenario is a tactical scenario only, historical accuracy doesn't play a large role. However, I did spend a tremendous amount of time developing the map, so perhaps you could derive some value from it. Furthermore, with this being my first scenario, I would appreciate absolutely any feedback you wish to provide.

                  [This message has been edited by shamrock (edited August 10, 1999).]


                  • #10
                    I would be happy to offer any advice and feedback that you would find useful.
                    "Kad pozelis radit, sidi, pricekaj, vidit ces da ce te proc."
                    (When you feel like working, wait, it will pass)


                    • #11
                      me too.
                      "And how much, my fellow warriors, can a world change in a mere 800 revolutions??!!"
                      -Shiplord Kirel, Worldwar:In the Balance

