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Will this work?

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  • Will this work?

    I give a nuclear plant (renamed to Self-Destruct Mechanism) to certain important cities in a civilization. I also also give them a couple of happiness wonders like Cure For Cancer, Bach's Cathedral, and Mike's Chapel. (all renamed and made to never become obsolete).

    When someone captures the city (which has no happiness improvements, it just used the Wonders) it goes into major Civil Disorder. The nuclear plant explodes. I've got a city that will blow up when an enemy captures it.

    Can anyone find any big gaping flaws here?

    "KNOW THYSELF!"-The Oracle At Delphi
    Giant Squid (<=:]-E)

  • #2
    Instead of going to all that trouble, why not just make a barbarian nuke pop up right outside the city? I don't see anything totally wrong with what your doing. Or even anything kinda wrong. Seems like it could work. How long have you been testing it?

    Wait!! It's effects won't happen immediately right? If it takes a turn for the plant to meltdown, then the player could just sell it off. You should make a house rule against that (If that's what happens).


    • #3
      Also you'll have to make sure that no one has the Fusion Power advance (or the scenerios equivelant) as this will stop the nuclear plants from exploding when the city goes into civil disorder


      • #4
        Not anyone, only the people who you don't want the city to blow up when they have control of it should have the advance.


        • #5
          that will probibally work, but at easier dificulty levels the chance of a meltdown decreases


          • #6
            Has anybody got experience about a city with a Nuclear Plant being captured and having a Chernobyl?
            The best ideas are those that can be improved.
            Ecce Homo


            • #7
              If the capturing civ is a fundamentalist civ, the city won't go into disorder.

