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So What do you think of this readme.

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  • So What do you think of this readme.

    Just a preview of ZWK 'Black'
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  • #2
    Great work! The readme is both clear and consise.

    I gave it 9/10 because of two minor faults:

    1. Shouldn't Beruit be part of France? The French were running Lebanon and Syria at the time (and the British and Australians fought a rather nasty little campaign to kick out the pro-vichy government in 1941)
    2. What's with the Star Trek logo appearing on every page?
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #3
      You know how it says "Yes, I'm needed on a galaxy saving mission" when you quit....

      I only make space scenarios so ZWK is a simulation program for starfleet cadets learning about historical war strategy.
      Last edited by kobayashi; December 16, 2001, 13:41.
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      • #4
        Good Job

        Like it very much. Perhaps I would split up some of the larger parts (e.g. "Home") into two or three smaller sub pages (IMO better to read), but generally there is not much to complain...


        • #5

          Your Subwar was what inspired me to bother with the new readme in the first place. That had a great set of HTML files. You're probably right about having a few more sub-areas in the home section but making and piecing together the LCARS elements took so much time, I just couldn't go through changing the format.

          p.s. did you vote?
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          • #6
            No, I forgot it - now I voted 9/10

            And thanks for your Subwar review I wrote you about it via the email option of the Civfanantics forum, but I´m not sure that you received it...


            • #7
              It's really great Kobayashi, I gave it a 9/10. But don't you think you take this Star Trek thing a little too far?
              STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by our_man
                It's really great Kobayashi, I gave it a 9/10. But don't you think you take this Star Trek thing a little too far?
                From a totally objective point of view - Yes. But to my credit, I exerted great self control and left out all things Star Trek from ZWK other than the obscure reference in the reallyquit message.
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                • #9
                  OK its now available

                  p.s. the sound zips have to downloaded too even if you have a previous version as there was a slot change
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                  • #10
                    For those of you who did not download the preview readme, these are the changes for version 2.1. As you can see, although it is only a 2.0 to 2.1 upgrade, the changes have been quite substantial.

                    Version 2.1 Changes

                    The torpedo has been switched to the warrior slot so it will not be built by the AI. The AI knows how to use torpedoes already loaded in subs but I guess it was too much to expect the U-boats to go and reload themselves.

                    The FW190D correspondingly had been swapped to the slot where the Torpedo used to be. Previously the FW190D occupied the warrior slot and was never built by AI. - sounds had to be changed to accomodate the slot changes so there is a new sound zip.

                    Reduced the desirability of Submarine Techs to AI so it will not research them until the end. This has dramatically increased the AI's efectivness when commanding the Axis. The desirability of other techs were changed so the probability that the Axis researchs all the tanks before going on to aeroplanes is reduced.

                    Changed the roles of P-38, Meteor to sea transport from air superiority to make the AI build them. This means they will not be labeled with 'Air' in the defense minister menu.

                    Berlin starts off with the Youth Movement half built so the Axis AI will actually build it. Budapest also starts off building the Youth Movement. This stops it from mass-producing tanks which wander off and trigger hostilities between the Italians and Germans.

                    Italians have a sea transport off the east coast of Italy so they can (and do) invade Albania.

                    Soviets start with a capital ship in Sevastapol and Lenningrad.

                    Fixed the mispelling of Smyrna and Saloniki.

                    Denmark is now one big island and the Axis AI will not waste capital ships to keep bombarding it without occupying it.

                    The road over the Alps between Verona and Munich has been removed.

                    Fixed some minor errors in the Allied and Axis Tree gifs. Added a Soviet Tech Tree gif.

                    Neutrals do not start off researching War Adjustment.

                    Reduced defence factor of AA Battery from 12 to 11 (but still with aeigis and pikeman flags) to let the game unfold faster.

                    Increased the attack, defence and cost of the BT-7 fast tank.

                    In addition to Jet Engine, Standard Parts is now a prerequisite of Rocket Engine so you cannot race to build the V1/Fritz-X. Prerequisite of Whirlwind is now sloped armour and not PanzerIV (With sloped armour being introduced, Pz IVs became available for conversion to other roles)

                    Increased the city size of a few small cities so they are not obliterated so easily.

                    Further shortened the tags of unit abilities in the defense minister screen so units with many abilities will not scroll off the screen.

                    Changed the movement of A-bomb from 5 x 4 to 13 x 1. This ensures that AI races will immediately retaliate with their A-bombs if you use yours first. Added the burning pollution icon for a better A-bomb effect.

                    Changed the grassland bonus from mist to deep green patches and changed border to black (if only so you can tell you are playing version 2.1 just by looking).

                    Made new icons for the British Resolve and Industrial Revolution wonders.

                    Updated the government entries in the civpedia so it is now complete.

                    Replaced the text version of the readme with a HTML version.
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                    • #11
                      Soviets return with a vengence

                      This is the new BLACK Look.
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