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Decisions, decisions

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  • Decisions, decisions

    Seeing as its probably going to be 6 months at the earliest untill scenario creation tools for Civ 3 are released, I need a new Civ 2 project.
    I've got 'The Cruel Sea 2.0' to finish off, but all that involves is adding some more events (possibly to the extent of multiple events and rules files), so it shouldn't take that long

    Here's a few topics I'm thinking of. I'd appreciate any feedback.

    The American Civil War - IMHO no-one has ever made a definitive scenario on this. The best one is probably the Microprose one, but that has dodgy graphics, and fails to use the events effectively. The main problem is that I'm not American and would probably miss all kind of basic things (I have visited Fort Sumter though )

    Gallipoli - Both the naval and land aspects of the Gallipoli campaign have the potential for a good scenario. The only problem is that it would take a lot of work, and if I made it historically accruate, it would be rather dull.

    The Kokoda Track [the campaign in New Guinea in 1942-3] - Could be modelled well, but would probably prove meaningless to non Australians.

    Crusade in Europe - about the Western Allies campaign in North Africa and Europe. I'm very interested in this, but not sure that the world really needs another WW2 in Europe scenario (even though you could play as the good guys)

    Has anyone got any thoughts on what I should pick? (I'm leaning towards Crusade in Europe myself)
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

  • #2
    Re: Decisions, decisions

    Originally posted by Case
    The Kokoda Track [the campaign in New Guinea in 1942-3] - Could be modelled well, but would probably prove meaningless to non Australians.
    Not at all. It would ultimately depend on how much care you put into it. If the scenario is well designed people will play and like it, no matter what the topic is. The real problem is imho... don't we have enough WW2 and WW2-like scenarios already? A scenario that I would have liked very much is the English colonization of Australia (hint, hint). It wouldn't have to be a historical scenario, but rather in Cam's style (half fictional, half historical).


    • #3
      Heres some feedback for the ideas!

      The american civil war
      I think, there are still some good ACW-Scenarios (for example Alex's), so this should not be #1 Priority.

      Very good idea! I think this would make a very interesting scenario.

      The Kokoda Track
      Sounds good to me!! Also because the ww2 in the pacific area is not well covered by scenario makers

      Allied campaigns in Europe
      PERFECT IDEA!!!! I would really enjoy a ww2 europe scenario from the allied site.
      Alles ist möglich! Nichts wird uns aufhalten!
      Solidarität mit Island!

      Join the Þ ß ð ä ö ü õ - Front!


      • #4
        If you really wanted to make me happy, I'd say go for a scenario that allows you to do just about whatever you want. I mean, my favourite scenario is STILL the WW2 scenario Microprose made.

        Don't make a war campaign where everything is just moving units. That sort of thing just doesn't play towards Civ's strengths, which are it's empire-building and geopolitical simulation (criticise it the particulars all you want, but warfare is merely a tool for political goals...).

        If you really wanted to make a great scenario I'd say go with the Age of Metternich idea that Polaris and I were playing around with. I have the map with all the cities placed and some of the units that Polaris drew. That sort of scen (at least on this map) would make for interesting combat on a tactical level (I'm sure that there could be simulations for strategic areas like farms and factories rather than simply cities...sieges are rather boring), and it could also show the political strains of the time and it ALSO allows a good portion of technological development to occur.

        All that would make a great multiplayer game too.

        Just my idea though.
        Administrator at
        Visit the forums!


        • #5
          I like the sound of Kokoda and Gallipoli a lot! They have never been covered and Kokoda I don't think loses meaning if you aren't Australian.
          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


          • #6
            Would you consider a joint ToT project?
            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



            • #7

              Here are some more ideas. Of the ones posted I'd probably say Galipoli.

              -Balkan Wars

              -WW1 in the Levant (and Lawrence of Arabia as well, although he was really unimportant)

              -Japan 1900-1940 (would have Russo-Japanese and Sino-Japanese Wars)

              -Prussia 1860-1880 (try to unify Germany and take slices of France and Austria as well)
              I refute it thus!
              "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


              • #8
                and Lawrence of Arabia as well, although he was really unimportant)
                I started a Lawrence Scenario awhile back.

                Anywho, I think you should dooo.... hmmm, well I really like your ideas, espically the Papua New Guinea one (and I'm a non-Aussie) and the Gallipoli one. Also, the North Africa and Europe one sound really cool too. I say do what YOU really want to do, the one that grabs you the most.
                "It woulda been nice to have naked midgets serving us cocktails everyday." - Brandon Boyd of Incubus

                "...gays who, because they just NEEDED their orgies..." -Mr. A. Speer


                • #9
                  I like the North African setting personally. Campaigns based around Operation Torch or maybe Al Alamein (sp?) or somesuch sound great.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by master on high
                    If you really wanted to make me happy, I'd say go for a scenario that allows you to do just about whatever you want. I mean, my favourite scenario is STILL the WW2 scenario Microprose made.

                    Don't make a war campaign where everything is just moving units. That sort of thing just doesn't play towards Civ's strengths, which are it's empire-building and geopolitical simulation ......
                    Have you tried my WWII scenario, ZWK? It seems to be close to what you have in mind.
                    This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


                    • #11
                      Re: Decisions, decisions

                      Originally posted by Case

                      I've got 'The Cruel Sea 2.0' to finish off, but all that involves is adding some more events (possibly to the extent of multiple events and rules files), so it shouldn't take that long

                      I just submitted a review of version 1.1 (you know where). You might want to take a look at it when it comes out before you complete work on version 2.0.
                      This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


                      • #12
                        Case, I'm all for the Kokoda Track! I don't know much about it I'm afraid but it sounds like it would make an interesting scenario.
                        STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


                        • #13
                          g'day case...

                          Don't have much time to post here, but I am a fan of tactical WWII scen's... much like Stalingrad. What about the Battle of the Bulge...or Wach am Rhine (note my aweful German usage). This would be a winter map. You could make it playable as the Germans, and have SF style settler-tanks which need fuel...whichj the allied have in certain depots. They would attach through the Ardennes, and the player would have to keep to the roads and such to advance. Many neat things here... Patton's releif of Bastogne etc.
                          Or, it could be simmilar to a RF type of thing with the Germans as AI, and one will have to fend off the German advances while waiting for armoured reinforcements to arrive. The eventual goal for the Germans was the city of Antwerpen, but they never got close in real life. This allows for a bit of alternative history too, if the player (or AI) as Germans makes it past their historical accomplishment.

                          Just a thought.



                          • #14
                            the Battle of the Bulge...or Wach am Rhine
                            Yeah!! that's an awsome idea for a scenario!
                            "It woulda been nice to have naked midgets serving us cocktails everyday." - Brandon Boyd of Incubus

                            "...gays who, because they just NEEDED their orgies..." -Mr. A. Speer


                            • #15
                              I am going to have to go with FMK's Bulge scenario. I think that is a killer idea.
                              "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                              "Guinness sucks!" -- Me

