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FMKs Screenshots!

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  • #31

    From what i can tell, there is no mention of events in the editor. It is rather odd though, for there is not even the slightest mention of even scenarios at all or anything having to do with them in the printed manual. Nothing! Not even a bad chapter at least like in Civ2. The manual for Civ3 is pretty much the same size as my MGE one, 235 pages through to the index. I don't know why nothing is included about creation.

    Anyway. I recall someone asking particularly about the units. Well, let me tell you. There are individual folders for each unit. They consist of seperate wav files, as well as what I assume are seperate animation graphics. You know, like if you let the guy stand idle for a bit, i think the scout unit perhaps... he goes for his canteen and has a drink. I have attatched a shot of all the contents of the Russian Cossack. There are several variations however!!! Some folders have several sounds for individual units. I will attatch a few to show the depth of creatability of individual units. Perhaps too much customization here....5-6 seperate wav's?
    Attached Files


    • #32
      I know, Xin. Here's the fundamental question I've been asking. If a custom dialog or message box is displayed based on an action in a scenario (like capturing a key city or special unit), what is the mechanism for making that happen?


      • #33
        The Winamp Media Files are .wav's.
        Here we see only some of the many animations for a worker...
        dig mines, irrigate etc...
        Attached Files


        • #34
          FMK, you are doing great work. But the question remains, can you build a "scenario" worth playing? What does Firaxis call a scenario???


          • #35

            I dont know steve.

            The thing is...there are apparently soo many little gfx files now. It would be tremendous work to get something to look professional and consistant..and yet look differenty than the default (in terms of menu's and colours and things of the such). It is a monster of a game. My computer barely handles it with 16 Civs going. The music crackles and pops when I click buttons and such. It is a more more in depth game from Civ2. Making 'scenarios' as we used to know them, would be very very difficult, imho.

            Here we see some of the list of items within the terrain folder. Note here we are now using PCX Image Documents...
            Attached Files


            • #36
              Originally posted by Steve Clark
              Here's the fundamental question I've been asking. If a custom dialog or message box is displayed based on an action in a scenario (like capturing a key city or special unit), what is the mechanism for making that happen?
              Those are build-in events which do not allow user input.


              • #37

                Originally posted by techumseh
                Civ3 Scenarios......49.99
                Civ3 Multi-player...49.99
                Civ3 Gold Edition...49.99

                Get the picture?

                I hate to quote myself, but it seems this really is the scenario (so to speak). Remember the original Civ2 game.txt file had lots of references to multi-player, but it couldn't be used until MGE was marketed. Civ2 was designed to be multi-player from the start, but that feature was TURNED OFF to force us to buy MGE. I suspect it's the same here. No scenarios, no events - wait for the upgrade CD. In a year or so, for another $49.99. And a year after that, another one with multi-player for another $49.99. And so on...
                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                • #38
                  I may not be using the correct terminology, sorry. Here's what I mean...

                  English sink an American Man'o'War! 600 gold was siezed from the ship before it sank and added to the English treasury.
                  London has fallen into the hands of their long time enemy the French! Now it is only a matter of time before all of England is in French hands. The French celebrate while the English mobilize what they have left to retake their prized city, before the sun finaly sets on the British Empire.
                  93,1, 78,0, 78,30, 93,31


                  • #39
                    It's (semi) official:

                    Does anyone want to do anything about it?
                    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                    • #40
                      Read my lips:

                      THERE ARE NO EVENTS.

                      Firaxis has ****ed all of us mod makers in the ass!


                      • #41
                        were any scenarios included w/ the game?


                        • #42
                          I just picked up the first copy in Edmonton, just out of the packing crate. I tried a few turns. It really reminds me of Call to Power with respect to the general look of it and the interface. Which is why I never even finished a game of CTP.

                          The tech tree, units and improvements are pretty much the same as Civ2, with a few new additions. Same old, same old.

                          There is definitely NOT an events editor, or multiplayer. Interestingly, there IS a text file, called "Jackal" which seems designed to control some aspects of multi-player games. So perhaps it IS designed for multi-player and they've turned it off, as they did with Civ2

                          So I'm disappointed, but I'll give it a more complete play through before deciding whether to consign it to my discard shelf.
                          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by H Tower
                            were any scenarios included w/ the game?
                            Nope, there are however 2 world maps

                            Gee, its almost like Christmas


                            • #44
                              and they have the nerve to taunt you...

                              oart of the opening menu... sure looks like it comes with scen's huh?
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by techumseh

                                There is definitely NOT an events editor, or multiplayer. Interestingly, there IS a text file, called "Jackal" which seems designed to control some aspects of multi-player games. So perhaps it IS designed for multi-player and they've turned it off, as they did with Civ2
                                Could it be that they've just ignored references to events at present, while still including them in the game?
                                Could somebody try inserting a civ2 events file using the old macro language with a simple text message to be brought up if a particular unit is killed and then kill one of those units or something (I'm desparate ).

                                No events at all would be a major disappointment.

