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the SL forum and the future Civ3-Creation forum
On the matter of the site, I'd be pleased to hear what WarVoid-St.Leo have in mind (and when it might happen), which might clarify the direction of the League and in turn the intention of this forum relative to others of its ilk.
I would have been pleased to maintain the currency of the site if it were not for some inexplicable and unresolved problems with my capacity to 'ftp' files to the site following Apolyton's decision to upgrade their servers at the start of the year. I really don't think that there's much of a case to put that the site's stagnation should lead to the termination of this forum.
Some ancient history ... the idea of the forum was originally to be used to discuss the content of the League's site - analyse the reviews and to discuss the design tips. It differed in its original intent from the Civ2 Creation Forum. Clearly what happened was that the respective forums evolved into 'new creatures' (indeed it was a matter of weeks before the League's forum pretty well abandoned much of its original 'charter'), and there's a valid argument that the 'new' creature should not be terminated in light of the raison d'etre of the 'old' creature.
I am pleased to see impassioned pleas to maintain the Scenario League's Forum. There's no doubt that it would seem logical to start merging a few of those with similar spheres, however it would appear that a part of the Civ2 community has embraced this forum as their "home". To my mind, while there's this sense of ownership, I'd recommend the status quo, at least until we get some idea of community response to Civ3 (i.e. would merging forums at this stage be 'jumping the gun' in light of (a.) WarVoid's-St.Leo's vision for the League and clarification as to the interrelationship between the site and the forum, and (b.) the response to Civ3?).
(WV / StL - please get in touch at your leisure if you think I can be of any assistance).
Originally posted by techumseh
The SL site, despite not having been updated for some months is still an excellent resource. Apparently there are technical reasons it cannot be updated by some people. Why not, and what are you doing about it?Originally posted by MarkG
i dont recall the exact nature of the problem, i think in the end both our tech and the people involved gave up trying to solve it
Re-reading the thead, I couldn't agree with Kull more!... and in case St. Leo and War Void are wondering, I'm fully supportive of a revamp of the look of the site.
Sorry about the double post! Can't even seem to get the 'delete post' thing to work now!Last edited by Cam; October 17, 2001, 00:49.
Originally posted by Cam
there's a valid argument that the 'new' creature should not be terminated in light of the raison d'etre of the 'old' creature.
[I know I'm distorting Cam's argument with that bit of selective quoting]
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
Originally posted by Cam
... you're probably doing something wrong ..."Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener