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Cross&Crescent update...

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  • #46

    And sorry if the question was a bit unclear, I mean if it is possible to change the FONT COLOR of the win titles...


    • #47
      Certainly not in Iberia or Northwestern Africa

      How Arabic were those areas?
      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


      • #48
        Originally posted by St Leo
        Certainly not in Iberia or Northwestern Africa

        How Arabic were those areas?

        Their bosses were. You know the saying "he who owns the hen also owns the eggs


        • #49
          Sorry, wrong button


          • #50
            Title Colours

            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


            • #51

              BTW, if it interest someone: changing the title colours is a bit tricky to implement, it is easily possible to mess up your units file. It also seems only to work with GIF, not with BMP files...However, now it works


              • #52
                Hm, after further testing, it works also with BMPs. However, I gave it up to change the titles, because the needed palette changes on the untis file affect all other gfx, including those saved in DLLs...I could fix it via gifextractor, but that is too much work for such a small thing...


                • #53
                  Bernd, the frame is indeed too colorful.


                  • #54
                    Hm, I was afraid that someone would say this.

                    However, I´ll rework it


                    • #55
                      Bebro, why do you keep calling those danish viking cities for "Haithabu" and "Riper" ?

                      -It sounds really, really strange -because it is so obvious that it is germanized names of danish cities. I now know which cities you mean, but "Haithabu" is actually Hedeby, which literally means "city on moors" (hede=moors, by=city/town, in danish), while "haithabu" means something completely nonsensical. The first time I saw it in C&C I didn't know which city it referred to, until I thought about it long and hard.

                      You might consider replacing Hedeby with Slesvig, which was the new city founded in the viking age, on the other side of the creek, while Hedeby was abandoned. I'd prefer Hedeby myself, but it was a comparatively shortlived city.

                      -"Riper", likewise, is simply Ribe. I don't know what this name means, but I don't believe there's any ancient spelling of this site, that is more correct than "Ribe", since the city (and thus the name) was founded in the early middle ages.
                      The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                      Kaplak Stream


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by hardjoy
                        Bebro, why do you keep calling those danish viking cities for "Haithabu" and "Riper" ?
                        I found the names in a map of the year 1000AD, but it was of course a German map. But it´s no problem to rename them...


                        • #57

                          Time for an update...

                          Reworked the window borders, finished the title.gif

                          Finished the first events file for the Germans (each of the playable civs has three files). Every file cover ca. 100 years (955-1066, 1066-1187, 1187-1291 - guess what those mean ).
                          If someone has ideas especially for the English or French events, feel free to post them.

                          Played a bit with the Germans - lost two cities in the first turn
                          Attached Files


                          • #58
                            Ideas to draw from the timeline

                            Originally posted by BeBro
                            If someone has ideas especially for the English or French events, feel free to post them.
                            936 - Otto the First, the "Great King of Germany" reigns until 973.

                            962 - Revival of the Holy Roman Empire.

                            1016 - Danes rule England to 1042.

                            1066 - Battle of Hastings, leaving Duke William of Normandy in control of England. Please note that William, while he lived in France, was not a true Frenchman... but rather a decendand of the Viking conquorors who ruled Normandy.

                            1075 - Church disputes the merits of Lay Investiture.

                            1115 - Knights of the Temple are founded by Hugh de Payens of Burgendy.

                            1152 - Fredrick I, Holy Roman Emporor until 1190.

                            1170 - Thomas Becket, the Bishop of Canturbury, is murdered.

                            1171 - Henry II annexes Ireland.

                            1215 - The Magna Carta is signed.

                            1240 - Battle of Neva.

                            1241 - Mongols withdraw from Europe.
                            The strategically impaired,


                            • #59
                              Thanks so far

                              Originally posted by Cal

                              962 - Revival of the Holy Roman Empire.
                              Is already in.

                              1016 - Danes rule England to 1042.
                              Good suggestion.

                              1066 - Battle of Hastings, leaving Duke William of Normandy in control of England. Please note that William, while he lived in France, was not a true Frenchman... but rather a decendand of the Viking conquorors who ruled Normandy.
                              Of course in, but this is extremely difficult to implement, since England is one of the playable civs. So, if one plays England, he starts in 955, but in 1066 his kingdom would fall under Norman rule, but would be still England - such a shift of power to another ruling elite (from Saxons to Normans) seems impossible with the civ2 limits . Currently, I "cheat" a bit here, you receive only a text message about Hastings and its importance, then in the eventschange follows...

                              1075 - Church disputes the merits of Lay Investiture.
                              Will be definately in

                              1115 - Knights of the Temple are founded by Hugh de Payens of Burgendy.
                              Will be in (but the exact year is not known I think - could be around 1120)

                              1152 - Fredrick I, Holy Roman Emporor until 1190.

                              1170 - Thomas Becket, the Bishop of Canturbury, is murdered.

                              1171 - Henry II annexes Ireland.

                              1215 - The Magna Carta is signed.

                              1240 - Battle of Neva.
                              Good ideas, I have not much planned for the later events files yet, but I´ll keep them in mind.

                              1241 - Mongols withdraw from Europe.
                              But before they´ll wreak hacov on the eastern part of the HRE
                              Last edited by BeBMan; November 3, 2001, 20:56.


                              • #60
                                Re: Thanks so far

                                Originally posted by BeBro
                                Of course in, but this is extremely difficult to implement, since England is one of the playable civs. So, if one plays England, he starts in 955, but in 1066 his kingdom would fall under Norman rule, but would be still England - such a shift of power to another ruling elite (from Saxons to Normans) seems impossible with the civ2 limits . Currently, I "cheat" a bit here, you receive only a text message about Hastings and its importance, then in the eventschange follows...
                                Perhaps this could be represented by a change in government?

                                I loved the orginal C&C, I managed to take over the map minus France and Spain while playing as Germany.
                                The strategically impaired,

