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reluctant AI

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  • reluctant AI

    I was toying with the standard ww2 scenario until something really annoying happened. When i was stuffing improvements in some AI cities, i noticed they couldn't build Armor. I checked the other AI's and they couldn't build Armor either. Upon closer inspection and after some testing, it turned out the AI couldn't build any unit with role 0 (attacking land unit), this means no Armor, no Artillery, no Cavalry, no Howitzer whether the respective AI players have the prerequisite advance or not.
    I found a solution by reassignig the role of the units. I changed it to 1; defensive land unit. This returns the ability for the AI to build the units they couldn't when their role was 0. But, since the AI treats them as defensive, it will stuff its cities with Armor and fortify them while attacking with AeroPlanes only.
    I spent more than 10 hours (!) relocating cities, terraforming, adding and deleting cities and improvements, setting up trade routes etc. etc. to create the basis for a horribly long war of attrition with evenly matched protagonists only to see it all ruined by this bug. How do i make it go away? Please help. This is very frustrating. There is no more balance in the game.

    thank you
    ugh crud, why won't they fall prey to my Machiavellian schemes?

  • #2
    Let me see

    Could you post a copy of the save game here? This problem sounds very similar to a problem MPS had with their "Civil War" scenario, which was a bug they fixed, though I have no idea what caused it, so I'd like to have a look at the file.

    Or you could send it to me by e-mail.
    "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


    • #3
      here's the file.
      I am playing as Commander Zoom of the Neutrals with Fundamentalism and am only observing. Tech Paradigm is 120/10 with one month per turn. I have changed the Axis govt. to Communism. I have also terraformed heavily for the French and Allies.

      edit: the main problem is that the Russians, who don't have Advanced Flight, can't join the war which causes the French a lot of grief. (i don't understand why the Axis don't attack Russian cities either)
      And what was that about the bug being fixed? Where can i get the patch?

      thank you
      Attached Files
      Last edited by AkwaticDudeCity; October 2, 2001, 10:15.
      ugh crud, why won't they fall prey to my Machiavellian schemes?

