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Creation questions

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  • Creation questions

    I'm a Civ newbie and realize that Civ 2 scenarios will become outdated very soon. However, I may wait a bit to buy Civ 3 so I'll be playing 2 for a while longer.

    I'm wondering about a few things. Please forgive these questions if they are lame.

    I'm considering a scenario wherein Tecumseh does convince all of the Indian tribes to rise up against the Americans encroaching on their land. This would involve a map of the central and eastern U.S. I'm thinking there would be 5 groups in the scenario:
    * Indians representing the Southern U.S. tribes
    * Indians representing tribes of the Northeast U.S. and southern Canada
    * Indians representing the central and midwestern tribes (including Techumseh's Shawnee)
    * U.S. army troops
    * White settlers, such as frontiersmen and the like

    My questions:
    1. Could each group have its own icons?
    2. How do you tinker with Civ 2 so that when this scenario is played the settlers do not war with the army and the Indians do not war with one another?
    3. Is it possible to allow human control of two or more groups but have the groups under different colored shields? I'd hate to play as the midwest Indians and rely on the AI to "help" me by controlling the other two Indian groups.

    Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
    your answers:

    1. City, flags, and units: yes. City improvements: no.
    2. The usual way is to make them allied, and then forbid negotiations between them in the events.txt so they can't break the alliance.
    3. Yes, but you need to tinker outside of the game editors.

    I'm sure the community will be very willing to answer any question you have, and give you good tips and advice. It would help us if we knew what version of civ2 you were using (Conflicts in Civ, Fantastic Worlds, Multiplayer, Test of Time).

    Feel free to e-mail me at if you have additional questions.
    "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


    • #3
      Scenario questions

      Thank you very much Andrew. FYI, I own Civ 2 classic. I use the HiRes mod pack and enjoy it very much. It was a welcome change from the original Civ 2 graphics and rules.

      I am not even sure I will undertake this scenario, to be honest. I don't know if I would have the time. I'm sure I could learn how, but the effort might require over a year's worth of work (based on my work schedule and family life) and for what? To play a scenario that will be over with in 2-4 hours? With Civ 3 coming out, I rather doubt that any new Civ 2 scenarios will garner much excitement. I suppose I was more curious than anything. Still, I do appreciate your taking the time to answer me.

      I will probably get Civ 3 for Christmas. Between now and then (and maybe even after then) I'll play the many good scenarios that others have developed. Ahh, if only I were single again!

      Just kidding, I love being married to my lovely wife and I love my family too.
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      • #4

        civ2 classic haven't event.txt no ? so i doubt u can forbid war against allied indians or between US and Settlers

