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another bloody scenario!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Grothgar
    Paul if you want to do that then youll have to cheat because the dutch have 4 units or so
    I think you`re doing some pretty vast underestimating there...

    BTW, the tech for industrial cities is...Industrialization (duh), and for modern cities you need both Automobile and Electronics.
    "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

    Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


    • #32
      Are you sure its just industrialization? are you sure there isnt a few others?
      Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

      "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


      • #33

        Just an update ive finnished placing all the cities although the sizes are still not done yet. The units (what i have) have been given stats and im quite happy with them if i do say so myself. The Technologies are on hold until i know which ones do what. the terrain is almost sorted and the cities have been updated with better graphics. So i need to do the techs and then assign units to them and i need to do the same with the improvements. Its coming along at a pretty fair pace (for me) so it should be done sometime before the middle of next month but dont take my word for it
        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


        • #34
          Originally posted by Grothgar
          Right this has probably come up so many times before but which technologies are needed to change to the industrial era and which are needed to turn to the modern era?
          In FW, Industrialisation starts the industrial era, and electronics+automobile starts the modern era.
          I think there's something in the Sleage hints & tips section dealing with this.

          Also, I'll back up the ANZAC's comments about the LCA's - these weren't made for the open seas, and faired badly in the occasions when they were used outside sheltered waters. In the scenario I sent you, from memory I intended to use liberty ships for fast, high volume transport, and LST's for slower, but safter transport within the combat zone. - same principle, different names

          BTW, this is really getting ahead of things [and you're probably getting sick of me flooding you with stuff], but here's a rather nice picture you may want to use as a title - it's a Japanese style painting depciting the moment of American victory at Midway.
          Attached Files
          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • #35
            One wonders what WONDERS

            right is there any ideas for what each wonder should represent? I mean i have Americas heartland representing the pyramids etc but im really stuck for somethings which were important in the pacific theatre.
            Also for the wonders which give you veteran ground and naval forces im stuck for who to give these to because at the start of the scenario they both should probably be given to the japanese but this might make them too powerful. What im thinking is that i will give them to the japs but then at a certain point make them obselete to show america getting the upper hand over them. say 1943 or some such time. What do you think of this? Would it unbalance it or would it represent things historically? or both?
            Ive sorted out the city improvements but i havent started on the techs yet. Right which techs are used to make sure that the temple, colluseum and cathedral work? Because in the case of unhappiness i dont want you to be stuck with that.
            Right heres the map with all the cities on it. should be able to figure out which sides are which.

            P.S Case keep giving me stuff i dont mind lol. And taking yours and ANZAC's ideas in mind the LCA is now a trireme so can get lost at sea. hope that satisfys you bloodsucking fiends

            P.P.S I would attacha map but the silly thing keeps telling me its too big. it should be no bigger than 600 x 0. which i dont really understand its only 47.8 kb ao it must be the size but ive posted stuff like this before. GRR!
            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


            • #36
              Originally posted by Case
              BTW Chris, The Japanese also mounted airborne attacks on the Sumartran Oil Fields, and West Timor.
              Quite right.
              THIS is what happens when you keep me up all hours of the night, Groth!
              You can also add that 11AB battled a combat drop by jap AB units at San Pablo Airstrip, Leyte, for 5 days starting 6th December 1944.

              The US had a full airborne divsion in the Pacific by 1945, but as you point out, it never made a full scale drop. The USMC also had a few airborne battalians, and the Australian army rasied a parachute battalian as well.
              For the US Army, 11 AB Division, served at Leyte and Luzon.

              Groth, the KI-84 looks similar to the Ki-43, take a look:

              here and here.
              I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
              i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


              • #37

                Just a few ideas I have:

                King Richard's crusade = Detroit's arsenal of democracy

                UN = "magic" decoding machine in Honalulu

                Great Library = Lend lease act

                Leo's Workshop = U.S. quarter master's corps

                Cure for Cancer = Propaganda

                Sun Tzu's war academy = something to represent Japanese experience from the invasion of Korea, China, and the rest.

                Marco Polo = Japanese espionage

                Isaac Newton's = Einstein, just think of it. The Japanese have captured Einstein. if they take that city.

                J.S. Bach's = US war effort or any anti-subversive act at the time.

                Adam smith's = The new deal or wall street. then again maybe not.

                Lighthouse = japanese admiralty

                Magellan = Nimitz + McArthur's island hopping campaign

                Michealangelo = VFW

                Women's Suffrage = Military Police

                Hanging Garden's = Bushido Code or whatever the hell it was

                Shakespeare = Emperor's palace in Tokyo.
                "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                • #38
                  Thanx for the suggestions Jimmywax i used some of them. Right i found a graphic for a Ki-84 Frank so i only have 2 units left to play with. Because the hellcat only came in in late 43 im thinking of having the F4F Wildcat which came in early 42 but im sure there were a few out there before that. Which will leave me 1 unit left. Im thinking another fighter for the british because they have 3 unique air units and the rest have more than 5. So any ideas. what was on the pacific front? Done some of the wonders. Right ceremonial burial allows temples to be affective and mysticism doubles it. Monotheism is needed for cathedrals to work but is anything needed for colluseums to work or not? Then ill get to work with the tech tree.
                  Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                  "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Grothgar
                    Im thinking another fighter for the british because they have 3 unique air units and the rest have more than 5. So any ideas. what was on the pacific front?
                    The British sent some Typhoons to Bruma fairly late in the war - you might want to include them.
                    BTW, the British Pacific Fleet used American aircraft in 1945 (eg Cosair, Advenger, Hellcat, etc)

                    Also, have you included the PBY Catalina? This aircraft played a major role in the Pacific, and was used by all the Allied nations.
                    Last edited by Case; September 8, 2001, 22:25.
                    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                    • #40
                      Here some suggestions for wonders:

                      Mangellans Voyage = US Navy Logistics [which were the key to the American victory]

                      Lighthouse = Singapore Naval facilitys or Sumartran Oil Wells.

                      Great Wall = Allied firepower [to represent allied units artillery superiority, which generally decimated any japanese offencives]

                      Leonardos = US War Economy [to represent to rapid replacement of old weapons]

                      Also, here's a PBY created by Tescumsah:
                      Attached Files
                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • #41
                        Right the typhoon is in and im about halfway through doing the tech tree and most of the wonders are done. All the units have the prerequesite techs finnished and the obseleinces. All improvements are done but the techs arnt finnished for that part.

                        Techs will be like this

                        Infantry I,II,III etc

                        Mobile Warfare I,II,II etc

                        Naval Warfare I,II,III etc

                        Aviation I,II,II etc

                        and then the other techs which will allow the improvements and some wonders to be built.

                        So i have one units slot left. Any suggestions???

                        So its going along pretty well. i hope to be releasing it within a month

                        no i mean it this time
                        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                        • #42
                          Canadian Infantry!!!!! wooooohoo!


                          Japanese firebombs... perfect for burning down the forests of North America!
                          "It woulda been nice to have naked midgets serving us cocktails everyday." - Brandon Boyd of Incubus

                          "...gays who, because they just NEEDED their orgies..." -Mr. A. Speer


                          • #43
                            You and your bloody canadians
                            Mind you if i have no other ideas they might just sneak their way in. i dont know if they played any part in it at all but hey it could be a little what if
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • #44
                              One unit left? Here are yet more suggestions
                              - Escort Carrier (used by the allies and Japan)
                              - Kamakazi boats/subs
                              - West African Infantry (which made up a major part of the British forces in Burma)
                              - Indian National Army (Indian POW's fighting for the Japanese)
                              - Seebees
                              - Marine Raiders
                              - Coral reef
                              - Mine (the US used submarine and air laid mines to shut down the Japanese economy in the last years of the war)
                              - Hudson patrol bomber
                              - Soviet Naval Infantry
                              - 'Native' Infantry
                              - Barge (the Japanese used these extensively for transport)
                              - Type IX Submarine (from the German Monsoon wolfpack of 1944 [see])
                              - Merchant Raider - the Japanese and Germans used a few of these in the pacific
                              - Cargo Submarine - used by the US and Japan for raids and to supply isolated units
                              - One of my Australian units - the Boomerang for example

                              BTW, how are you planning to get around problems with the AI not using carriers properly? I'd recomend that you use multiple rules to give AI carriers hefty attack values
                              Last edited by Case; September 9, 2001, 21:31.
                              'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                              - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                              • #45
                                Hey Grothgar, I've thought of another British unit you can include in this scenario (I'm a brit too) An infantry unit known as the Chindits. The Chindits were a small force of highly-trained, immensly fit, lightly equiped guerilla marauders who were dropped far behind Japanese lines. They were supplied entirelly from the air thanks to a short take off/landing plane called the L1. It could operate from small clearings and narrow river banks. The Chindwits would vanish into the jungle for months at a time and harass and disorientate Japanese troops. There first operation began in February 1943 with 3000 men. The scale of the incursions were progresively increased as the war continued.

                                Don't forget that between 42-43 the Burma army was Britains largest in the world. Also, although the US advance through the pacific was the major contributor to allied victory, it was the British/commonwealth force in Burma and indochina that dealt Japan its largest land defeat.

