I have been planning a contemporary world scenario for the soon-coming Civ III for quite some time now over in the Civ III-General forum here at Apoloyton. I have been getting lot’s of helpful suggestions as to the layout and design of the scenario over there from many kind civ players. However, it has been recommended to me that I may be able to find much needed technical advice and assistance over here at the Scenario League forum. I understand that some of you may be busy working/planning scenarios of your own, or maybe planning a real world scenario of your own, but if that’s the case, why not pool our work and resources to make an even better scenario? Hopefully I have your interest.
If you are wondering what areas I need help with, here’s what I am good at and stuff I need help with.
Stuff I can do:
Scenario Design
City Placement
Unit Placement
Tech Layout and Programming
Event Programming
Real Life Research to get facts, statistics, etc. (many seem willing to help in this)
Stuff I need *you* for:
Map Editing/Creation
Graphic Creation/Editing
Sound Editing
Stuff I *could* use you for:
Help in City Placement
Help in Research
If you are interested, please E-mail or respond here in this thread. For more info about what I have in mind, you can check out the thread about this scenario at the Civ3 forum by clicking here . The thread is a little on the long side (5 pages) so I understand if you would rather not read it
. Here is just some general info on what I am aiming for in this scenario:
Basically a Civ2 World Scenario (typical type) except:
More Civs: The number of Civs Civ3 will allow are 16 using the scenario editor, however not all screens will show ALL 16 civs. This could be a MAJOR problem (for example: only 8 civs showing up on the diplo screen = you can’t do diplomacy with the other 8, not good). But, to know for sure, we will just have to wait for the game and see how it works. I currently have an 8 civ layout, 9 civ layout, and a 13 civ layout for this scenario (all shown below).
Map: If possible, I think it would be *very cool* if someone could make an enlarged earth map (maybe 4-6X larger than Civ2's), are there any plans for this? If no, then I suppose I can use the default Civ3 world map that ships with the game, which may be bigger than the old Civ2 map.
Tech: As far as future techs, they are something I want to add. Keep in mind here nothing outrageous, (nothing like city forcefields, walking robots, nano tech, etc) I am just thinking Integrated Defense, Cure for Cancer, International Space Station, Trip to Mars, etc. To be honest, I haven’t spent that much time thinking about the tech (yet).
Here’s the Geo-Political Breakdown that has been discussed:
Eight Civs, order from strongest to weakest:
1: US + Puerto Rico, Canada, Israel
2: EU + Eastern Europe
3: China +Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Mongolia
4: CIS
5: Independent Democratic Nations: Australia, NZ, Papua/New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia inc Singapore, Brahmaputra, Burma, Thailand, Kampuchea, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea, Latin America with the exception of Cuba
6: Arab League: Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, the Gulf States + Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh
7: India +Nepal, Sri Lanka
8. African Union
A ninth Civ, if available, would be used to make Latin America separate (inc Cuba). Once Latin America was seperated, the Independent Democratic Nations would be renamed to Independent APEC Nations.
Full 13 civs, strongest to weakest:
Order from Strongest to Weakest:
1. US, Canada, Israel, Puerto Rico
2. EU (+Turkey, Baltics, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia etc.)
3. China (+Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Mongolia)
4. CIS
5. India (+Nepal, Sri Lanka)
6. Arab League (Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, and the Gulf States)
7. APEC (from Indonesia to S. Korea, including Singapore and Japan)
8. MercoSur (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile)
9. Central America and Carribean Basin (inc. Mexico and Cuba)
10. Andean Pact (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia and the Guayanas)
11. African Union (Sub-sahara Africa)
12. Australia (+ NZ, Papua New Guinea)
13. Independent Islamic States (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh)
Well, I hope there is someone here who may be willing to help. Again, I am pretty good at the hard core (sometimes tedious) work, and I’m good at design, but I have no artistic ability what-so-ever, and I suck at map making. It would be cool if there are some graphic people here who could make new units, or develop some pictures for the new techs etc. Please contact me if you have the skills and are interested.
Thanks for your time!
I have been planning a contemporary world scenario for the soon-coming Civ III for quite some time now over in the Civ III-General forum here at Apoloyton. I have been getting lot’s of helpful suggestions as to the layout and design of the scenario over there from many kind civ players. However, it has been recommended to me that I may be able to find much needed technical advice and assistance over here at the Scenario League forum. I understand that some of you may be busy working/planning scenarios of your own, or maybe planning a real world scenario of your own, but if that’s the case, why not pool our work and resources to make an even better scenario? Hopefully I have your interest.
If you are wondering what areas I need help with, here’s what I am good at and stuff I need help with.
Stuff I can do:
Scenario Design
City Placement
Unit Placement
Tech Layout and Programming
Event Programming
Real Life Research to get facts, statistics, etc. (many seem willing to help in this)
Stuff I need *you* for:
Map Editing/Creation
Graphic Creation/Editing
Sound Editing
Stuff I *could* use you for:
Help in City Placement
Help in Research
If you are interested, please E-mail or respond here in this thread. For more info about what I have in mind, you can check out the thread about this scenario at the Civ3 forum by clicking here . The thread is a little on the long side (5 pages) so I understand if you would rather not read it

Basically a Civ2 World Scenario (typical type) except:
More Civs: The number of Civs Civ3 will allow are 16 using the scenario editor, however not all screens will show ALL 16 civs. This could be a MAJOR problem (for example: only 8 civs showing up on the diplo screen = you can’t do diplomacy with the other 8, not good). But, to know for sure, we will just have to wait for the game and see how it works. I currently have an 8 civ layout, 9 civ layout, and a 13 civ layout for this scenario (all shown below).
Map: If possible, I think it would be *very cool* if someone could make an enlarged earth map (maybe 4-6X larger than Civ2's), are there any plans for this? If no, then I suppose I can use the default Civ3 world map that ships with the game, which may be bigger than the old Civ2 map.
Tech: As far as future techs, they are something I want to add. Keep in mind here nothing outrageous, (nothing like city forcefields, walking robots, nano tech, etc) I am just thinking Integrated Defense, Cure for Cancer, International Space Station, Trip to Mars, etc. To be honest, I haven’t spent that much time thinking about the tech (yet).
Here’s the Geo-Political Breakdown that has been discussed:
Eight Civs, order from strongest to weakest:
1: US + Puerto Rico, Canada, Israel
2: EU + Eastern Europe
3: China +Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Mongolia
4: CIS
5: Independent Democratic Nations: Australia, NZ, Papua/New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia inc Singapore, Brahmaputra, Burma, Thailand, Kampuchea, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea, Latin America with the exception of Cuba
6: Arab League: Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, the Gulf States + Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh
7: India +Nepal, Sri Lanka
8. African Union
A ninth Civ, if available, would be used to make Latin America separate (inc Cuba). Once Latin America was seperated, the Independent Democratic Nations would be renamed to Independent APEC Nations.
Full 13 civs, strongest to weakest:
Order from Strongest to Weakest:
1. US, Canada, Israel, Puerto Rico
2. EU (+Turkey, Baltics, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia etc.)
3. China (+Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Mongolia)
4. CIS
5. India (+Nepal, Sri Lanka)
6. Arab League (Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, and the Gulf States)
7. APEC (from Indonesia to S. Korea, including Singapore and Japan)
8. MercoSur (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile)
9. Central America and Carribean Basin (inc. Mexico and Cuba)
10. Andean Pact (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia and the Guayanas)
11. African Union (Sub-sahara Africa)
12. Australia (+ NZ, Papua New Guinea)
13. Independent Islamic States (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh)
Well, I hope there is someone here who may be willing to help. Again, I am pretty good at the hard core (sometimes tedious) work, and I’m good at design, but I have no artistic ability what-so-ever, and I suck at map making. It would be cool if there are some graphic people here who could make new units, or develop some pictures for the new techs etc. Please contact me if you have the skills and are interested.
Thanks for your time!