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describe file and missing techs.

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  • describe file and missing techs.

    I'm currently writing a describe file for the techs in Kull's "Seeds of Greatness" However when i load the game with it the last 2 techs, numbers 96 and 97, do not show up in the civilopedia at all. All other techs show up fine, including the descriptions.

    I have two different versions of the describe file. One is my current working version, about 75% complete, admittedly with some fairly long decriptions. Thinking that the description lengths might be a problem i went back to an older saved version which has only a few descriptions written (the older version does have some "frog DNA" in the form of unit descriptions for the scenario from which i copied my template) The same problem comes up for both of them.

    Im quite sure this didnt come up when i played the scenario without a describe file.

    And yes, i have included a terminate line at the end of the tech list with "-2" and in all other respects have followed the describe file in the original game. I am quite frustrated.

    Any ideas?

    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

  • #2
    Mystery solved

    Describe file must map to the techs in the rules file. I had left out "guerilla warfare" and "explosives" from the describe file which though not applicable in this scenario, are included in the rules file (for reasone the more experienced scenario designers here will understand better than I, for sure) Rather than mess with Kull's rules file, I have corrected the describe file, and now it works fine.

    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

