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Idea brainstorming

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  • #16
    WW1!!! got to be.

    well im going back to bed
    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


    • #17
      At 8 in the evening?

      And another thing Gary, you still haven`t e-mailed me my Dominion War savegame file.
      "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

      Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


      • #18
        Go with Attila.
        "The self is a relation that relates itself to itself, or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation relating itself to itself." -Kierkegaard, at one of his less lucid moments

        Tremolando shows rage! Sforzando shows excitement! C Minor means gravity!–D Minor means terror!...Round and round like donkeys at a grindstone! -Amadeus


        • #19
          I'll vote for WW1.
          However, I suspect that Alitta would be a lot easier to do.
          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • #20
            The Arab Opportunists

            Originally posted by Heresson
            I Punic war?
            Bolshevik invasion on Poland?
            Arabian conquest of Africa province?
            The opportunistic Arab invasion of north Africa is featured in a forthcoming (updated) scenario called the Age of Heraklius.
            Many believe the Arabs were mighty conquerers, yet they defeated desolated Empires such as Persia and Romania (Which had spent 20 years destroying each other) and then moving into India which lacked a unified force and Hispania which had discontented Roman Orthodox citizens and Jews in its southern portion. All this made conquest easy for the Arabs until they met they stubborn force of Carlus the Hammer at Poitiers and the resistence of Constantinople with Greek Fire...


            • #21
              A Scenario?

              Originally posted by Hobbes
              ahh, excellent ideas from all!
              okay, okay, I have narrowed it down to two choices.

              WWI- the Western Front
              I started a World War One scenario right after I completed Hannibal, but I deleted it by accident (seems to happen a lot, eh? ). This scenario would be just the Western Front, with the main objectives being Paris and Berlin. It would be very detailed, on a grand scale, AND I would do almost all the drawing myself, and not use Nemo's stuff (which is very tempting), just like I did in Hannibal.


              Attila the Hun
              This was an old idea which I started after Hannibal, but scraped. This scenario would consist of the Huns massing a huge army from neighbouring tribes and then invading Roman territory, with the ultimate goal: Rome.

              It's a tough choice..... oh and here's an "Atilla" unit that I made about a year or so ago.
              Make the scenario of Atilla. It would feature the West Roman under Aetius. Allied Franks, Visigoths and East Romans. Ostrogoths, Gepids and Huns as the opponents.

              How about it? It would be a shame to not make use of such a fine unit.


              • #22
                MarkL made a fall of Rome scen a long time ago...
                Administrator at
                Visit the forums!


                • #23

                  Originally posted by master on high
                  MarkL made a fall of Rome scen a long time ago...
                  Well the scenario need not include a 'Rome' objective, the objective being the battle of the Catalaunian Fields...


                  • #24
                    As yet, there is only one scenario of the Cold War, made quite a while ago and really lacking...

                    A scen of the entire Cold War, or part thereof (say 1946-1962 or 1946-1991 or 1961-1973), maybe? Would need to be on quite a grand scale, and could even go into the future. However, going past the breakup of the USSR could be difficult.
                    I refute it thus!
                    "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                    • #25
                      The Scenario

                      Originally posted by master on high
                      MarkL made a fall of Rome scen a long time ago...
                      Downloaded it.
                      Really needs some major graphic upgrading!
                      The Islamic building the Vandals have, and the fact that they did not occupy all of Hispania is something the author needs to correct in a future version. Perhaps having select Vandal units in Triremes at the Pillars of Hercules ready to disembark to Africa could be done without them actualy having any cities under the rule (settler unit can be based near by when making the map, then change terrain under it to Ocean and give it a Trireme to slepp in, then adding more sleeping units with Triremes). The West Romans have rather a lot of Elephants in Africa, They are more likely to have had auxilary cavalry (Bedouin).

                      The Franc cities of Vindelicorum, Lauriacum, Vindobona and Aquincum are wrongly placed, the later 3 are on the north side of the Danube when it should be the south side. Aquincum is south of the Danube angle.

                      The East Roman (Nor Byzantine!) cities of Athens, Pergamum and Petra are also wrongly located. Athens is where Thebes should be, Pergamum is where Ephesus should be and Petra is far to way out in the desert, really being due south of the dead sea and by this stage in history it had been abandoned for the northerly city of Bostra.

                      The Visi(Noble)goths should have no cities under their rule in Thracia by this stage having migrated to Aquitania.

                      However these things can be corrected and should make a better scenario.

