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Why not Persians?

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  • Why not Persians?

    Why do you think that Persians aren't playable?

    They have as good defensive unit (Medians) as others and they can attack with siege engines.
    I have played Romans and Persians are a HUGE superpower with about six medians in every city, at least, and almost no squares without units. They even had about 60 000 gold until I conquered one of their cities. I got -27 000 gold and they lost 27 000 too! After that I had -19000, but I let them take the city back and they got my -19 000.

    Still think they aren't playable?

  • #2
    Jusbaummer, which scenario are you plaing currently? This would make an answer much easier...


    • #3
      What exactly are you referring to?
      The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

      The gift of speech is given to many,
      intelligence to few.


      • #4
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


        • #5
          Could it be Masters of Magic?
          This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


          • #6
            I don't think it's CIV II because you can't accumulate 60000 Gold.
            "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


            • #7
              If my inane theory is correct, he's talking about Imperium Romanum (Forgive m Bernd for botching the name).
              *grumbles about work*


              • #8
                I also have this feeling, but I´ll wait for Jusbaummer´s clarification before I post the answer...


                • #9
                  I've also been playing Imperium Romanum and I can honestly say that the Macedonians are the biggest power, being much more powerful than the Persians. I'm Phoenician and only my siege towers can beat them. And while I was messing around with the Romans, the Macedonians already conquered most of persia and the Middle East.


                  • #10
                    And while I was messing around with the Romans, the Macedonians already conquered most of persia and the Middle East.
                    And this is exactly what they should do .

                    Macedonia is very weak in the beginning, but AI Macedonians receive a lot of support via events so that they are able to get at least a part of Alexander´s empire. Unfortunately it does not always work so well as in your case, sometimes Persia is able to resist...
                    However, human controlled Macedonians have a much harder life.


                    • #11
                      oh, i thought he was talking about Dareios (sp?)

                      Sorry - no offense to Stephen - its a great scen, I just need to get up the gumption to have at it yet again, and THIS time to send settlers out toward India EARLY enough.

                      "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                      • #12
                        You'll get enough opportunity to say THAT when my new Alexander scenario comes out
                        Follow the masses!
                        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

