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Calling Gothmog!

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  • Calling Gothmog!

    I was just attempting to use your excellent program CivCity on a ToT scenario I'm working on. I tried to load the file and got the message: "Only Original ToT format files presently supported." Now I did start this in original format, but added 3 extra maps to it. Are there any plans to upgrade the program to include multi-map scn. and sav. files? Also, your CivTweak program works just fine on the file .

    Thanks for doing these programs, BTW. They're very useful and user friendly.
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios

  • #2
    Hmm, I guess that message does imply that multiple map scenario files would be supported. I did intend to do that if I could figure out the file format for multimap scenarios but I never did. It took me over a year to figure out a formula for locating the city block.

    At this point with CIV III on the horizon I don't plan to support multi map scenarios.

    In case you were wondering why, Civtweak never gets near the city data, so that's not a problem there.

    "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


    • #3
      Gothmog, can it be that CivTweak 1.4 (for FW) has a problem with Win2K?

      I recently upgraded to Win2K, and now I´m trying to change the Barbarian settings (to "villages only") and the "Don´t restart..." flag. I click on these options, save the sav.file, but when I open this file in Civ and save it as .scn file it seems to "lose" the settings I activated in CivTweak - sooner or later new Barbs appear on the map. Is there a newer version than 1.5?


      • #4
        Um, forget my previous post, the error was on my side...I simply experimented with different .scn and .sav files, and started the wrong files (those which were not changed)...

