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Making scenarios

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  • Making scenarios

    I'm new to making scenarios for Civ2. Wich program should i use? PLEASE help.

  • #2
    It depends. Which version of Civ2 do you have? Some come with built-in editors which can help speed up your work (but sometimes they can crash and ruin it).

    Generally speaking, you should have a look at the RULES.txt file and have a diddle around there. Using that you can change many of the basic features of the game. If you have an art program (such as Paint Shop Pro) then you will be able to alter the UNITS.gif and other .gif files to change the appearance of the game.

    Either way, have a look in the RULES.txt file and the scenarios around, just to get yourself familiar with what can be changed. Then, go to and click on the Design Tips link to read about more discoveries that people have made and other help.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #3
      Yahoo, ännu en Svensk
      Om du vill göra scenarior så bär du nog besöka detta forumet också.
      Som Alinestra redan har sagt så beror det på vilken version av Civ II du har.
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #4
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!

