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A new modpack: The Roman Empire

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  • A new modpack: The Roman Empire

    Today I have released my first patch (will be modpack) that went public. It is based on the growth of the Roman Empire. I would like other people to test it and give me ideas for improvement before I create a corresponding scenario for it. The webpage for it is
    The rest of the necessary information for it is in the readme and in the credits option in the game itself.
    Sic transit gloria mundi.

  • #2

    The graphics, especially the marbled border and the 'Roman Geographic Table' is nice.
    The use of railroad as a Roman road is good, I did the same in my Age of Alexius scenario calling them PavedRoads. The only questions I can find are...

    1) Why, after such a good graphic demonstration, is Mediolanum (Milan) using an Islamic style city?
    2) The Roman city style looks blurred, a sharper image would enhance the game.

    Thats all I can find at the moment, otherwise the first version is excellent to behold!


    • #3
      Why don't you post this in the sleague forum as well?
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #4
        Great idea using the Roman city style from CAESAR II, although small cities look like waste dumps.


        • #5
          One thing that comes to mind is your irrigation (or is that the farmland?) - it makes it impossible to see whether there is grassland or plains underneath. Allowing these to be differentiated might help a bit. Otherwise, it looks good!
          The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

          The gift of speech is given to many,
          intelligence to few.


          • #6

            You might find this file useful.
            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


            • #7
              Yeah, that's the one.
              Nice thinking St. Leo.


              • #8
                Sorry about the delayed reply...

                The reason about Milan having an Islamic icon was because the graphics sets I implemented were not completely compatible with the Rome scenario that came with Civ2. I am in the process of making a much better one right now.

                Thanks to St Leo for those graphics. Mine never did turn out the way I wanted.

                I am still trying to figure out a way for the irrigation and mine icons to appear more aesthetically in the game.

                My main concern is the compatibility between the units and the tech tree. New ideas to get them to work better historically would be greatly appreciated. I need ideas for wonders too.
                Sic transit gloria mundi.


                • #9
                  I have made available for download on the website stated in my first post the first scenario for the patch. It is a play-test version, since I am still working on the various aspects of the way the patch works. I still need ideas to improve the tech tree and the buildings.
                  Last edited by apiquinamir; June 21, 2001, 23:57.
                  Sic transit gloria mundi.


                  • #10
                    damn it all!!!!!!!
                    this screwed up my game and my disk got destroyed a week ago! damn damn damn..
                    now it wont play at all..


                    • #11
                      The reason why that made your game stop working properly is probably because it is not the right version of it. I'll put a version for version 2.42 on the website for people who haven't bought the later versions.
                      Sic transit gloria mundi.


                      • #12
                        yeah i have 2.42 you never said what version it was for in the first place..


                        • #13
                          well ive been meening to upgrade to mge


                          • #14
                            Today I have released version 1.21 of the patch/modpack. The changes include fixes of the problems already mentioned on here and a few others (quite a few) that I found while playing. There are also a few new features included.
                            Sic transit gloria mundi.

