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CSPL help?

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  • CSPL help?

    I'd like to use CSPL for a little scenario I'm thinking about where America is a dictatorship struggling for control over North America.

    However I have no idea how to use the thing, so I may need someone's assistance. Would anyone here be able to make the CSPL events for me? I just want to know now because without CSPL I get the feeling it won't be worth the effort.

  • #2
    Do you have anything resembling a C++ compiler? Microsoft's rather expensive Visual C++ (part of Visual Studio) is the compiler of choice for Wintel machines.


    • #3
      I have Vis. C++ 6.0 starter kit that comes with a compiler that lets you know every time you run the .exe that that .exe is not to be distributed. I'll be able to get my hands on a actual Visual C++ 5.0 compiler I believe.

      See I don't know anything about this compiler businesses.


      • #4
        Unfortunately, at the moment there aren't any CSPL experts out there (other than Angelo). On the other hand, as the "editor" of the CSPL manual (and a total C++ ignoramus), I must say it seems fairly straightforward. In Chapter 2, Angelo shows you where to get the free Borland C++ compiler and also provides links to free C++ tutorials. Best of all, the manual is VERY step-by-step, so if your scenario needs CSPL events, why not give it a shot?
        To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

        From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


        • #5
          St Leo: Be careful, Borland C++ Compiler and Microsoft Visual C++ are not fully compatible.
          I started to realize CSPL with VC++ but soon i moved to Borland platform ('cause it's free and i don't want someone has to buy VC++ just to use CSPL).

          The problem is the library file, VC++ creates them using COFF format (if i remember well:Common Object File Format, yes, i checked) while Borland use OMF (Object Module Format) so you can't use CSPL library (which was created with Borland) with VC++ programs.
          (Well, this is not totally true, you can try to convert CSPL.lib from OMF to COFF using EditBin, a VC++ program, but it's a bit complicate)

          Maybe in a future version i'll add both lib versions (COFF and OMF) but for now i suggest you to download the freecompiler from Borland

          Eternal: I'm afraid i cannot help you right now, try to battle a bit with the examples, you should be able to understand how things works.
          "If it works, it's obsolete."
          -- Marshall McLuhan

