Sequel of Age of Alexius
Now for the sequel to Age of Alexius-Age of Osman.
About the rise of the Osmali Sultanate from a mere Emirate under Orhan in 1361 (Ottoman) until the death of Selim the Grim in 1520 with his conquests of Syria and Egypt. Of course if playing the Romans you might just be able to re-write history, but only by a few words at best...
After that I am going to edit the other scenarios I have edited from other creators or made myself. The first in the series is to be Age of Romulus about the founding and rise of the Roman kingdom up until the Republican Revolution of 500BC under Brutus.
And then Kaisar's Gallic Wars and a scenario that is meant to continue from BeBro's Imperium Romanum about the Crises of the Third Century during which the western and eastern halves of the Roman Empire split away leaving Rome itself very little to govern. Followed by Age of Constantine-a updated version.
Now for the sequel to Age of Alexius-Age of Osman.
About the rise of the Osmali Sultanate from a mere Emirate under Orhan in 1361 (Ottoman) until the death of Selim the Grim in 1520 with his conquests of Syria and Egypt. Of course if playing the Romans you might just be able to re-write history, but only by a few words at best...
After that I am going to edit the other scenarios I have edited from other creators or made myself. The first in the series is to be Age of Romulus about the founding and rise of the Roman kingdom up until the Republican Revolution of 500BC under Brutus.
And then Kaisar's Gallic Wars and a scenario that is meant to continue from BeBro's Imperium Romanum about the Crises of the Third Century during which the western and eastern halves of the Roman Empire split away leaving Rome itself very little to govern. Followed by Age of Constantine-a updated version.