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Menu triggering an event?

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  • Menu triggering an event?

    I would like to know if there is any way in which any of the menu options menu (not the Cheat one, however) can be used to trigger an event. There is a certain healing action which I want to have performed, but I don't know if there is a way to cause it to happen instantly. I don't want to get out my C programming books and try to tangle with CSPL...
    "The self is a relation that relates itself to itself, or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation relating itself to itself." -Kierkegaard, at one of his less lucid moments

    Tremolando shows rage! Sforzando shows excitement! C Minor means gravity!–D Minor means terror!...Round and round like donkeys at a grindstone! -Amadeus

  • #2
    Sorry, but as far as I know this is simply not possible...
    And I think CSPL is currently only for ToT (if your scn is for FW/MGE)


    • #3
      Healing action? Skipping a turn without moving a unit restores a little bit of the unit's strength...
      The strategically impaired,


      • #4
        Okay, I thought that it wouldn't be possible. Just checking. And yes, my scenario is being developed for ToT.

        This "healing action" sets off a GiveTechnology advance, which in turn updates a unit into one that is a bit better (it's happens only a couple of times), so the character "gets tougher" in face of a crisis- specifically, when the leader dies.
        "The self is a relation that relates itself to itself, or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation relating itself to itself." -Kierkegaard, at one of his less lucid moments

        Tremolando shows rage! Sforzando shows excitement! C Minor means gravity!–D Minor means terror!...Round and round like donkeys at a grindstone! -Amadeus

