For some unknown reason i have always combined The state of michigan with crime. Must be The Robocop films lol
But anyway i thought id do a scenario based on this idea set in this very year. (or very near in the future). I have a lovely map of the state of michigan and parts of Illinois and canada. Anyway so i was thinking of these sides and these leaders.
Detroit Police Force- ???? Who is the Chief?
American Government- George.W.Bush
Republic of Canada- ???? Leader Of Canada?
And then Four Criminal Groups which i need help on. Which ones are most prevelant in america.
Ive got most of the terrain sorted and ive managed to get it so that all the fallen trees forest terrain are next to Log Mills on the map. Genius hey
Anyway im shelving other scenarios for this one because the inspiration just hit me. and it also intrests me.
Also any ideas on units?
Thanx Guys/Gals

Detroit Police Force- ???? Who is the Chief?
American Government- George.W.Bush
Republic of Canada- ???? Leader Of Canada?
And then Four Criminal Groups which i need help on. Which ones are most prevelant in america.
Ive got most of the terrain sorted and ive managed to get it so that all the fallen trees forest terrain are next to Log Mills on the map. Genius hey

Anyway im shelving other scenarios for this one because the inspiration just hit me. and it also intrests me.
Also any ideas on units?
Thanx Guys/Gals