A Mining Outpost that was established by a mining team.

Professor Jean Krig ascends to the second layer of the Earth.

John Trevins, an expert miner, has found his boat.
This is actually Part I of a science fiction scenario series I'm going to gradually come out with (and I've only finished Part I

^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2
^^Part I to the "Amazing Discovery" Series
^In 1856, the world is bound by governments and imperialism. There are not many wars going on at this time.
^One French scientist, Professor Jean Krig, has taken this period of time in history to his advantage.
^Professor Krig has decided to travel to the area of Iceland. There, he has decided to take the most magnificent of journies.
^Professor Krig and a team of miners will embark underground. Professor Krig hopes to obtain many treasures
^and finally get to the center of the Earth, where it is rumored from found letters that a civilization awaits Jean...
^The mining team is ready, but some are not equipped. As the journey progresses, outposts, roads, bases will
^be constructed, and new mining teams "armed" (built) with tools to mine treasures out of the ground and get to
^the center of the Earth.
^BASES: Cities, OUTPOSTS: Airbases, ROADS: Roads, MINERS: Settlers (w/attack)
^This is Part I to the "Amazing Discovery" Series of Civilization II scenarios. The scenario will end keeping you hanging.
^Government changes are not allowed.
^There is no actual conquest in this scenario.
^The two "none" civilizations are not to be played.
^Victory is achieved when you reach the unknown at the center...
^It is actually very difficult to win this scenario...
@end -- this line must be here!
^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2
^^Part I to the "Amazing Discovery" Series
^In 1856, the world is bound by governments and imperialism. There are not many wars going on at this time.
^One French scientist, Professor Jean Krig, has taken this period of time in history to his advantage.
^Professor Krig has decided to travel to the area of Iceland. There, he has decided to take the most magnificent of journies.
^Professor Krig and a team of miners will embark underground. Professor Krig hopes to obtain many treasures
^and finally get to the center of the Earth, where it is rumored from found letters that a civilization awaits Jean...
^The mining team is ready, but some are not equipped. As the journey progresses, outposts, roads, bases will
^be constructed, and new mining teams "armed" (built) with tools to mine treasures out of the ground and get to
^the center of the Earth.
^BASES: Cities, OUTPOSTS: Airbases, ROADS: Roads, MINERS: Settlers (w/attack)
^This is Part I to the "Amazing Discovery" Series of Civilization II scenarios. The scenario will end keeping you hanging.
^Government changes are not allowed.
^There is no actual conquest in this scenario.
^The two "none" civilizations are not to be played.
^Victory is achieved when you reach the unknown at the center...
^It is actually very difficult to win this scenario...
@end -- this line must be here!
Part II will be a continuation of this, but in a very different atmosphere.
I still have some playtesting to do myself, and a few touch ups, and then it is done.
I actually began this scenario about a month after I started posting here, and dropped it for my "Battle of Gettysburg" scenario and later on, "The Rebellion of Nat Turner" was added, so I decided to finish it up.
The "Amazing Discovery" series will be very sci-fi-ish.

And yes, the atmosphere is very "Journey To The Center Of The Earth"-ish with Iceland, but that's about all that's in common.
By the way, compare the unit that is "Professor Krig" (Professor Jean Krig) to the first image of my rotating avatar.