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2194 Days of War PBEM Epic

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  • #47
    I just tested it as China, and I have no problem loading it. I zipped it for you, on the premise that might be causing your problem. Check your mail-box for it, and try it again.

    All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


    • #49
      Yes I did, and the save works fine. I loaded it as China, with Zero problems.

      All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
      I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
      i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


      • #50
        Got the file yet??
        We're all waiting on you man.
        I'm just curious, trying to make sure everything is going smoothly.


        • #51
          I´ve received the file

          as long as cpoulos keep sending me the files in zip format won´t be any problem

          I don´t know what haappen but the save file arrives in form of a text with squares and circles and a lot of stuff like that

          I´ll send the file in a few minutes...
          Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
          Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


          • #52
            China has been almost conquered

            just five cities remain chinese hands
            there is no hope for my country
            Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
            Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


            • #53
              Moscow Recovered, Russians Advance!
              The Russian army has fought off the Nazi nemises and retaken Moscow in a brave attack. These same men and women have forged ahead and taken Warsaw after heavy fighting. There, British and Russian generals met and conferenced on the defense and continuation of the attack. May this horrible war end soon.

              >>File sent Henrik Hito of the Japanese<<
              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
              -The Artist Within-


              • #54
                ...the tension mounts...

                Can the Japanese secure resources in China fast enough to add to the war effort?

                Can they afford to be toiling in the Far East whilst their allies struggle in Europe?

                Will they be able to deliver a decicive blow to the Americans to even the score?

                How long can the Soviet's back door be left untouched?

                This is great because the game will not be a rollover now. Each move becomers critical, as a war of attrition sets in. Soviets are wounded, as are the Germans. The British are spent for the time being. The Americans are consolidating, and preparing for an invasion.

                This next turn here by Japan will be very important. It may dictate the momentum for the next few turns.

                *eagerly awaits radio broadcast*


                • #55

                  Today 12:00 am the American carrier USS YORKTOWN was set ablaze and sunk just north of Midway, this along whit the the sinking of the USS HAMMANN in the Los Angeles harbour is a great victory and it has significantly weakend the US fleet.
                  Los Angeles has been the target of severe firebombing and the fleet estimates that it will be able to land troops there whitin the nearest month.
                  The Australian city of Perth has been conquered and a large landing force has disembarked to take care of the rest of Australia.

                  In China the imperial armies advance has been slightly halted but the city of Urumchi was taken and soon others will follow.
                  Vladivostok has also been the target for large scale bombing and today the imperial army was able to enter the ravaged city, the loss of this city also resulted in the loss of a small fleet outside Sapporo for the Soviets.
                  The war is going well on all fronts for the Japanese, the Imperial armies has yet to face defeat.
                  We assure our german allies that if they manage to hold out in europe we will devour the soviets from the south.

                  Long live the emperor!
                  Long live Hiro Henrik!
                  END OF TRANSIMISSION----------
                  [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited May 13, 2001).]
                  No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                  • #56
                    One thing does bother me though, all cities taken from the US/brittan last turn went into civil disorder when taken (ofcourse) but they are still revolting despite the fact that I have fascism (fundy)
                    Also things rush bought last turn was still completed in shields but hadn't been created, I didn't get to pick what to research either (I finnished researching the between this and the other turn and the AI picked refining for me )
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #57
                      The World At War takes a break from their Impeta to celebrate mothers worldwide. The only similar event had been the Ancient Greek Olympics.
                      Happy Mother's Day
                      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                      -The Artist Within-


                      • #58
                        I'm sorry, but my mother is throwing a party for mother's day and I probably will not finish my turn today, tomorrow definitely, but I have to be at the party.
                        The strategically impaired,


                        • #59
                          "German Propaganda Report"

                          Sunday, the entire world took a brief cease-fire so the battle-weary soldiers could honor their mothers. The world gave pause, the Fuhrer, the Comrade, the Prime Minister, the Emperor, and the President too, all had a mother that loved them.

                          On the following monday, hostilities resumed, as usual.

                          Suffering "acceptable casualties", all cities have been liberated with the exception of Kobenhaven and Moscow. The Fuhrer saw the capture of Moscow paramount to success in Russia, buy alas, the attack had to be postphoned due to unconventional defense strategies used by the Soviets (i.e. There was a bomber-AA battery combination on the road to moscow, and the other road from Leningrad was pillaged. )

                          On the Afrikan front, Benghazi was liberated and all counter-resistance was crushed.

                          Outlandish reports of the Fuhrer's suicide, likely begun by our hated enemies, have been revealed to be false truths.
                          The Fuhrer is alive, well, and vengeful.

                          Victory is inevitable on all fronts! It is only a matter of time!

                          (It's now the Americans turn)

                          The strategically impaired,
                          The strategically impaired,


                          • #60
                            Does anyone know why my cities wouldn't go trough the upkeep phase last turn?
                            How did you end last turn JMarks?
                            I think you might have done something wrong becouse as I said my cities never produced anything (despite of the fact that the shield box was full (I bought stuff on the first turn)) and I didn't get any research either!
                            I don't want to contnue untill this matter is cleared up, all other pbem games I play work perfectly except for the Hellas game where you also are the one to handle the file before me.
                            Something is wrong here, I can't produce/research anything in both these games where you conduct your turn before me, what is wrong?
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!

