The only reason i posted after you was that my internet connection f**cked up and i couldnt get on the site even though i sent you the file. dont worry everything is in order
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Sieze the Crown! PBEM game
Thanks Gary. Here is my turn (also mailed to JMarks)
From the writings of Jon of Sussex:
"January 31st, Year of our Lord 1141
News from the West Country - after a long seige, King Stephen has retaken Taunton from the rebel Count of Somerset. Apparently the slaughter was terrible.
There are rumours of more rebel Barons in the forests of Dean, waylaying and robbing passers by. My Lord Humphrey has ridden to Monmouth to supervise the defences, should they dare to approach our own holdings.
Saxon outlaws are roaming around the town of Medhamashtead, scaring the farmers. Many of our peaceful peasants are having to put aside their ploughs and learn instead the arts of the sword!
The savage Scots also threaten us periodically - but I don't think they can harm us this far south...
Lastly, a new road has been completed, linking Harfleur to the ancient way to Rouen. This has already stimulated trade in the town."Attached Files
January 1141
The Scribe writes:
"The affair has settled down now. Proper defenses are being build in Yarmouth and roads are being built apace. There are some hostile activities near Norwich, but milord is of all confidence that nothing will come of it.
"All in all, January in the Year of our Lord 1141, will prove to be dull and cold."
I must write in haste as I will board my ship soon.
Afairs are going well and no troubles are in sight.
Henry de LacyAttached FilesNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
After so many months of inactivity it seems that my beloved richard may soon be taking action to the uncouth barbarians and our fortifications are going fine. I hope to see some action next time the moon is rightMaps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
From the writings of Jon of Sussex:
"It's a good thing that my Lord de Bohun rode to Monmouth. There was fierce fighting there to repel the rebel de Redvers. All our troops returned safely however, much enthused by their victory, by all accounts.
To the west of Hereford, our knights had further success against the Welsh. They are all becoming hardened fighting men, and I fear we shall have need of their skills before King Stephen is safe on his throne again.
Hereford, May, 1141"
File sent to JMarks and posted here.Attached Files
File Sent
Ioanes continues:
"Fields are to be planted at Norwhich to feed the hungry populus and roads too are being made. Milord, having heard a brief history of Rome, has insisted on a greater road building project. To fullfill this project, yoemen are being hired. Also, scientists are being sent abroad to learn the art of bridgebuilding. It will be many years till they return. I myself have never built a bridge, though should the time come I would be glad to partake in the first bridge raising. These bridges are in great need in milord's lands.
"Further afield, our mounted retainers are being sent abroad to recruit peoples to our lands. This mustering should bear some fruit, though many knights in our service are not exactly gentlemen. I would hate to be any peasant 'recruited' by them!
"This is my record of May in the year of our Lord 1141"
Henry de Lacy:
Contributions are pouring in, our family hasnt been this rich for years.
My sea trip had to be canceled, I wont be able to embark for atleast another year.
HenryAttached FilesNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
July 1141
It seems the only event this summer is the unusual heat. It must be the hottest on record! -Ioanes July 1141 AD
File Sent
I havent written in a few months my darling love.
I have been shipped off with the siege train that left newcastle to parts unknown. Most of my writing material was destroyed and it has been hell procuring some. Still the siege goes well and i hope to see the end of it soon.
Your beloved
(sorry guys my exams are crapping up my schedule)
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
Everything is going allong well, reports of increased activity in Scotland has reached my ears, but I do not feel overly woried.Attached FilesNo Fighting here, this is the war room!